The Wedding! – 6 Things Men Think About. Yes! Put a a group of - TopicsExpress


The Wedding! – 6 Things Men Think About. Yes! Put a a group of male friends in a friendship and discussion long enough and marriage/ wedding will end up being the topic. Not to say that we start thinking about the theme, glass statues or intricate trimmings of the napkins on each table at the reception, but we do have thoughts before, during and after the big day. I’d go as far to say men think about the wedding more than any woman …especially if we’re in a relationship or at that stage where we’re single and some type of euphoria hits us: 1. The Bachelor Party Typified as the ‘Last Day Of A Man’s Freedom’ the bachelor party or ‘weekender’ is usually one of the greatest moments men look forward too. 2. The Speech In the just made up “Nerve-Wracking moments in a wedding where you hope someone doesn’t mess up the whole damn wedding” Book are 5 moments. In fourth place behind “The Moment where she has to say ‘I Do’” “The Moment where I have to say ‘I Do’” and “The Moment where nobody should say a thing after the priest says “speak now or forever hold your piece” is “The Moment when I say my speech”. Men look forward to this moment because they get to declare love and appreciation of the other half in front of everybody we care about….and it’s from the heart. 3. The Best Man Of all the men planning to get married I’d say 50% have no idea who they’re gonna choose to be their best man. The problem stems from the fact that guys become friends very easily, all they need is that one thing they like in common (Football, Stacey Dash, Music, Women, Money, Women, Cars, Women, Clothes) and they are good to go forever; and rarely do men fall out. So when you have friends from primary and/or secondary school that you’ve known forever alongside siblings and old university friends that you hang with every week and narrow it down you’re sometimes faced with a small dilemma. It’s all harmless now but when they decide to purchase the ring they have to make that executive decision. How do they choose? 3. The Bride’s Aisle Walk You hear a lot of stories about how nervy, exciting, emotional it is for the bride or even the bridesmaid, groomsmen and flower children to walk down the aisle as people smile, cry and take pictures and the music plays…but what about the groom? Imagine having to look forward whilst this is all happening, and after hours, days, possibly more of not seeing her. Those same butterflies, nerves and excitement the bride feels will be mirrored by brothers and once the music starts and the bride finally reaches the front of the congregation, they know its real…. 5. The Bridal Party The wedding undoubtedly belongs to the bride and groom (and the parents who decided to invite their whole family/friends including imaginary “aunties” and “uncles” you have never seen in your life) but they still want single friends to have some fun; so believe it or not they scope ladies single friends and acquaintances to see if there’s eye candy for their friends. 6. The Honeymoon Do I really have to explain? And that’s all I got to say about that! OLAMILEKAN013
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 12:02:16 +0000

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