The White House Page IMMEDIATE ACTION NOW!! 10 things President - TopicsExpress


The White House Page IMMEDIATE ACTION NOW!! 10 things President Obama must do immediately – and 10 likely to happen if he gives Republicans any variation from his plan. #PresidentObama needs to take executive action. He must refuse to cave to Republicans. He cannot waste time negotiating with bad faith partners who have no intention of compromising ever. #NODEALS on cuts to #SocialSecurity, #Medicare and #Medicaid. --He must draw a line in the sand and refuse any deal that includes cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security benefits. Strengthen the power plant #carbonrule to make it your boldest action yet on climate. President Obama must use all legal means available to offer relief to #millions of #immigrants who would have qualified for #legalization under the bipartisan immigration reform bill passed by the Senate. President Obama must keep his #promise not to deploy ground troops in Syria. He must also #withdraw all troops from Iraq, and refuse to slow or delay the #planned 2016 #withdrawal of all ground troops from Afghanistan. Continue to #Reject Keystone XL, and apply the #climatetest to all federal decision making. The president should apply this test to all fossil fuel projects going forward, and promptly reject any projects that accelerate climate change. #SavetheInternet by making #NetNeutrality the #law of the land. President Obama has said the only internet is a #free and #open Internet with no fast and slow lanes determined by the big telecom companies. He must ensure that his three commissioner majority on the #FCC reclassifies broadband as a #PublicUtility under Title II and save the Internet. President Obama must immediately fill all #FederalElectionCommission vacancies with commissioners who are committed to #enforcing federal campaign finance limits on 501(c)(4) organizations and stopping illegal coordination between #SuperPACs and political campaigns. Fill all federal judicial vacancies before the end of this Congress. The President must #immediately put forward progressive nominees for every single #judicialvacancy and demand they be #confirmed by the end of the lame duck. Fight back against the #Republican #WarOnWomen with #NOcompromises. #Republicans plan to #repeal key parts of the #AffordableCareAct including coverage of #birth control, and pushing the president agree to loopholes in women’s health coverage under the guise of “religious exemptions.” The President must hold the line against these attacks, with #NOcompromise. #PresidentObama should appoint an #AttorneyGeneral who will make #CivilRights a top priority and by issuing an #ExecutiveOrder that creates a strong and enforceable prohibition on police brutality and #legalizegaymarriages discriminatory policing with #Federal Legalization
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:47:14 +0000

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