The Zucco challenge to all Political Leaders & Aspirants Palmer - TopicsExpress


The Zucco challenge to all Political Leaders & Aspirants Palmer United Party candidate for Franklin, Tasmania Marti Zucco, is challenging every Political candidate and leader in the country to be honest and upfront with their election promises” Mr Zucco, a long serving Hobart City Council Alderman, said; “like many in this country who are tired of Political leaders and candidates making promises and not delivering. It is time that the political system was more like a board of directors” He pointed out that “Most of our current crop of Politicians could be subject to an ASIC investigation and if they were members of a board. They most likely could even face criminal charges for misleading its members if that was the situation, but in the political domain it would be the Australian public who are mislead and we all deserve far better” “Why is it that our politicians can make promises and then “simply change their minds and not deliver” a prime example was the former Prime Ministers promise on a Carbon Tax that she completely overturned once elected” Marti Zucco also said that “I challenge all Political leaders and aspirants to pledge; “If I make a promise and fail to deliver on that promise or change my promise for “whatever reason” and ultimately elected based on those promises, I will resign from political office, as that would be the most honest and honourable thing to do for misleading the Australian Public” “If I was a board member and constantly made false promises I would be crucified by the membership, why should the Australian public be subjected to three years of torment if promises are broken. It is time that our Politicians stopped all the bull and acted like board members and treated Australians with respect” In conclusion he said that “I feel so strongly about this in that the whole political system needs to be far more transparent and upfront with each State should have a Political Integrity body setup from community leaders, general public and business organisations (rather than a handpicked group by politicians themselves) to judge political promises and deliver appropriate penalties for false promises” “Australians are fed up with what is happening and that is obvious by the record number of new political Parties registered at this Election. Canberra needs to be put on notice shape up or be shipped out! The Palmer United Party offers Australians the opportunity to have a real say by electing candidates who are concerned about the future of our great nation and not simply have a “political job” I am not after a political job. The country must come first and foremost and we need to stop the bull! ENDS August 19th 2013
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 01:29:33 +0000

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