The ballot box have never led and will never lead you to the - TopicsExpress


The ballot box have never led and will never lead you to the direction which concerns the real issues of the majority. The most exploited class among the oppressed, who are doubly exploited, are women in class society. If we spin around the world we find different types of exploitation, degradation, oppression, and severe violence against women. Whether it be the most powerful imperialist country like the U.S or be it poor developing semi-feudal countries like Nepal, women are objectified and used as a commodity for the sole interest of profit. The forms of exploitation may differ and vary according to the consciousness of the society which depends on the relations of production in each given society; but all forms of exploitation are well organized and based on profit and male supremacy. The fundamental base of exploitation, which has divided societies into classes, is the patriarchal system. The emergence of private property was impossible without the oppression of women turning the early matriarchal systems into patriarchal ones. Patriarchy has been an important and integral part of all exploitative systems which enhanced and reinforced the rotten profit based system in a very organized way. Women have to grasp this important fact; our full emancipation is only possible by abolishing all sorts of distinctions, which rest on the production relations of class society which corresponds to our social discrimination and prevents us from revolutionizing old ideas and customs. - continue reading #women #nepal #revolution #patriarchy
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:03:09 +0000

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