The biggest financial mistake Ive ever made and will never ever - TopicsExpress


The biggest financial mistake Ive ever made and will never ever repeat: In 2001, a friend invited me to an extra income opportunity meeting. A greater portion of the presentation just flew over my head and I decided to take it home and sleep over it. Upon arriving home, I shared the news with a very close relative at the time. Guess what: She discouraged me into the darkest darkness and there went my dreams down the drain. I dont blame her. She thought she knew and cared better. Instead, I was dumber than her. How could I seek the opinion of someone who did not witness what I witnessed? That was foolishness at its highest degree. Those who went on board same time whether or not they understood the concept, are today financially ahead BY FAR, compared to me & others who first went for opinions of the unqualified experts. I warn you: Dont fall into similar trap. As Richard Branson once said: When someone offers you an opportunity (which you cant do), say YES and later learn how to do it. I now enjoy sharing with others an extra income opportunity which I partially at first. Part of it is still a bit complicated, but the extra income has never been and will never ever be complicated. Dont let this opportunity pass.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:00:54 +0000

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