The butterfly is one of the most emblematic totem animals - TopicsExpress


The butterfly is one of the most emblematic totem animals symbolizing personal transformation. If you see the butterfly as your totem or spirit animal, pay attention to the areas in your life or personality that are in need of profound change or transformation. Perhaps, this animal totem guides you to be sensitive to your personal cycles of expansion and growth, as well as the beauty of life’s continuous unfolding. An important message carried by the spirit of the butterfly is about the ability to go through important changes with grace and lightness. Butterfly Symbolism What is the meaning of the butterfly? This animal totem is primarily associated with symbolism of change and transformation. Powerful transformation, metamorphosis in your life, personality Moving through different life cycles Renewal, rebirth Lightness of being, playfulness Elevation from earthly matters, tuning into emotional or spiritual The world of the soul, the psyche A secondary meaning of the butterfly is about finding joy in life and lightness of being. Butterfly totem and transformation The butterfly is a symbol of powerful transformations. By analogy to the development of this animal, the meaning associated with the butterfly emphasizes the ability to move from one state, perspective, lifestyle to another. When the butterfly comes into your life as spirit guide, you may be going through or expect important changes in your life. More than changes in your environment, the transformation the butterfly totem points to are more internal: They could be related to your own perspective on a subject, aspects of your personality, or personal habits. Personal transformation is emblematic of the butterfly symbolism. Do you want more abundance and success in your life? Your personal vibration frequency could be the thing holding you back. To start raising your energetic frequency today, you’ll want to download the Energetic Breakthrough Kit from Christie Sheldon. This proven method includes a few things but most of all check out the heart center awakening meditation! Click here to get your free energetic breakthrough kit. Butterfly totem symbol of joy and lightness of being When the butterfly shows up in your life as a spirit animal or totem, it might indicate the need to look at a conflicting situation with more lightness and different perspective. This totem animal is symbolic of lightness of being and elevation from the heaviness of tensions. This power animal invites those who have a connection with it to bring joy and bliss into their lives. Butterflies often have bright colors. By extension, they are associated with aliveness and brightness. The message of this totem animal is to lighten up and add more color to your life. Perhaps it’s time to express yourself more fully and show your colorful personality. The Butterfly and the world of the Soul In many traditions around the world, the butterfly is a symbol of the soul or soul world. For example, in Chinese symbology, it can represent immortality. For the Japanese, a white butterfly symbolizes the soul the departed ones. In Ancient Greece, butterflies represent the psyche or soul, and its attribute of immortality. Calling the butterfly totem for support The butterfly is a powerful animal to call when you need support in times of transition, whether it’s at work, in a relationship, or when you’re doing inner work. Great ally during intense periods of personal transformation, it will add ease and lightness to the process. This power animal is a good inspiration for adding more color into your life and self-expression. Those who have the butterfly as a totem animal may be naturally inclined to express themselves openly, to reflect their colors into their environment. Do you want to have more success and joy in your life? The best way to do this is by learning more about your name through numerology. It is a 4,000 year old science that can help you learn the meaning of your name, because your name was no accident! All it takes is your name and date of birth, click here to get your free personalized numerology reading. Post your ideas and comments about the butterfly spirit animal by using the comments section below. Get New Spirit Animals by Email New guides added monthly! 504 Responses to Butterfly Totem Bobbie December 13, 2014 Hi Everybody! I’m BOBBIE & I’m New to this whole subject. What I do know is every time I think about My Grandma who passed away from Breast cancer (Rest in Paradise) I either see or am reminded of Butterflies. So when My Best friend told Me about Spirit animals it was coincidence I thought of a Butterfly and then found out that My Spirit Animal was a Butterfly!!! What I wanted to know was more about the meaning of seeing our Spirit animals. What does seeing butterflies mean … And How do I even begin to call Mine? Lastly I have been going thru something’s realllly Hard for Me in Life between Family, Health and Relationships So bad I’m 25 and weigh 100 pounds :( How do I even begin to think “Lightly” like a butterfly or even begin to transform? I feel like sometimes I don’t even know how to …I’m sorry to be annoying someone please Help! ❤️ Reply Carol December 2, 2014 I’ve read quite a few posts in here and many of you seem to have the same questions. Which one is my spirit animal? Our spirit animal guides come and go and can change at the drop of a hat. It all depends on what’s going on in your life. The spirit animals come to us to help us with certain situations. For instance… Owl has been a big part of my life but right now Bear has stepped in as well as Deer. So, my suggestion is to meditate and see what animals come to visit. Sit down with them… have a conversation with them. Sometimes you have many visitors… sometimes none at all. It just depends on if you are ready to hear the message or not. I’ve been working with spirit animals a lot lately (for other people) and this is what I’ve learned. So, if you feel a strong pull to a particular animal then most of the time they have a message for you. :) Brightest Blessings! Carol Reply john smith December 4, 2014 My social animal is a beautiful butterfly. During the day I really picture myself as this animal and try to embody it throughout the day. I picture myself with teal blue wings soaring through the universe, trying to find secrets. Reply Seamus December 6, 2014 Not for me it’s butter fly all ove Reply Linda December 6, 2014 I have read about the butterfly as my totem and it certainly fits. I do have butterflies in my home, but I seldom see them outside. I have had a few instances where I have had them land on me in unusual places like at the old Yankee stadium during a game and also at Fenway Park. I see Red hawks all the time and they fly right in front of my car. During my Reike atunement I had two red hawks flying directly over my head “talking”. I was told it was significate. So thought Red Hawk might be my power animal. Is it possible to have two? I have not succeeded in making a journey into the earth to actually find my power animal. Thank you for listening and I appreciate any advice you can give me. Reply Carol December 2, 2014 My social animal is the Butterfly. :) Reply Alexis November 30, 2014 So I’m in my last year I high school and I know I want to do something with art because I love it. Anyway whenever I’m on the bus I see a bunny every morning or sometimes even 4. I know this isn’t a option for a spirit animal but I know that is mine! For the past 2 weeks I haven’t seen 1 bunny except my pet bunny. Everyday of the past 2 weeks have been absolutely horrible. My told my dad that mom is cheating on him finally. That night on the way to meet someone, I seen 6 rabbits and one I almost touched. This happened even since I was 8 years old and brought 5 wild baby rabbits in where the mother abandoned them. Just thought you guys would like to know. And out of the 5, 2 made it and was later released in the wild. (They passed away of injuries from a neighbours dog) anyway I hope you guys find your spirit animal. They help you at your time of need Reply Carol December 2, 2014 Hello Alexis, Sounds to me like Rabbit is your spirit animal. Have you read up on it? Blessings, Carol Reply Ivan November 25, 2014 Hi everyone. How is everyone doing today? I work on a second floor building and have a nice spacious window looking out to an I-Hop and a freeway. When I get into deep thoughts sometimes I stare outside the window to see how’s life beyond the glass. Today something happened after I came back from lunch. I walked in my office and after sitting here for a few minutes answering e-mails I got up to take my sweater off and stared outside the window and there they were…about 20 tiny yellow butterflies flying outside the window, we stared at each other for a few seconds and when I got closer to the window they flew away and quickly disappeared. I never seen anything like that, it was beautiful and peaceful. Thanks for reading this guys. Reply Steve November 28, 2014 Thanks for sharing your story Ivan..I always enjoy hearing about other people’s inspiring and mysterious experiences with our Great Spirit…Peace…Keep shedding the light brother… Reply Mary-Anne November 24, 2014 I took the quiz and it said I was a hummingbird but Butterflies mean so much to me and I have always seen them as something spiritual. My sister passed away suddenly in 2013 and after this I can’t tell you how many butterflies appeared in my bathroom! I have been through many struggles in my life and as well as butterflies feel great strength from my pets (2 dogs and 2 cats), I wish I could post pictures on here as my newest little cat has amazing markings – a very clear butterfly on her back – 4 wings,body and antennae!!!! Reply Lizzie November 23, 2014 OK, I have taken the spirit animal quiz 4 times and the results were 2 for butterfly, 1 for deer, and one for owl, my question is what should I go with butterfly, deer , or owl I haven’t dreamed of the deer,and owl maybe I have for the butterfly and haven’t seen much much of the other spirit animals.The spirit animals that I might have saw in real life and/or dream is the snakes, hawk, cats (so many times in real life looking at me) and as I said before maybe butterflies. SO i don’t do what to think my spirit animal is. Can you give me a tip/suggestion? Reply Betsy November 28, 2014 Lizzie, Obviousy to me, the butterfly is trying to get your attention, 2:1. I took the sprit guide test and butterfly was the answer, I see hawks in my commute to work. But my life is in transition. I’m moving, dealing with changes at work and personally. So I believe that the quiz zeroed in on the important things that I was not aware of. I guess, we aren’t suppose to think it through. Just go with what we are given. After all, our spirit guides don’t contemplate all our issues before coming up with an answer. They ask, meditate, and listen for the answer. Maybe we should do the same. Have faith! Betsy Reply Lauren November 12, 2014 My partner of 5 years has always always called me his butterfly. I had 3 butterflies tattooed on my wrist as a symbol of this. Unfortunately last year my partner had a horrific fall and was sadly in a coma with serious life threatening injuries. This was the hardest time of my life ever. During his coma i called the hospital and asked the nurses to tell him his butterfly had called. On the day of one of his serious operations, i must of seen 20 butterflies and i had great comfort in that. When he woke from his coma, he remembered only one thing, a voice telling him his butterfly had called. This completley melted my heart. Sadly our relationship has just come to an end and i am really struggling to come to terms with this. I got into my car one day ready to start my journey and i noticed the biggest butterfly sat on my passenger window. It stayed on the window as i drove to my destination and when i stopped it flew away. I dont know what this means but i hope it was a sign that my life will be ok without my partner, or maybe a sign that one day we can work things out. Butterflies mean everything to me, and if i see one i am very comforted and feel calm and love. Reply Jam November 12, 2014 Lauren I’m sorry you’re going through this but as a butterfly you know the nature is of transformation. In my life it seems I’ve been through so many different ways of living that it rang absolutely true when I took the quiz and came up as a butterfly myself. Know that everything will be as it should and just take comfort in the beauty that presents itself to you in small and big ways daily. You will transform from this experience as well. Wishing love and light on your new journey fellow butterfly!! XOXOXO Reply Emily November 10, 2014 I’ve tested positive for Butterfly but I was reading the Hummingbirds description and it seems more accurate… Should I trust the test and try connecting to Butterfly or go with my gut about being Hummingbird? Reply Katie October 28, 2014 I woke up this morning and there was a huge black butterfly fluttering about in my room. all of my winndows and doors are shut, is this a sign? Reply Sarah October 31, 2014 Lmao, I think you just have a bug infestation. Reply Sarah October 6, 2014 Last night I was speaking to some very nice individuals in one of my groups. As the conversation progressed, we shared a few dreams, and talked of our ancestors. I had plans to go to the library this morning. And I wasn’t going to come home until about 2 pm. My fiancé was at home today, and I was going to let him sleep peaceful. I looked up the hours of operation for the library, and the didn’t open until 10. So I came back home. As I was sitting in the parking lot, he comes outside, so I hop into his car and we leave for a bite, some snacks, then we come back home. As we are leaving the gas station, the sky turns an ominous black…we look at each other and comment that it’s going to storm badly. Friday a bad storm knocked the power out for a bit. We return home and eat, enjoying each other’s company. He makes a remark, marveling that the sky that was just moments before black as dusk is now clear, blue, and sunny once again. I still want to go to the library, but I don’t. He doesn’t want me to go, and I really enjoy just being in his presence…so I stay home. An hour so so goes by, me doing my work, him chillaxing on the couch, when I ask heik if he smells burned paper…and btw, what’s that noise? He walks outside and back in, notitng that our apartment is smoky. I touched the button on one of our smoke detectors and we realize, something is on fire. The fire department is finishing up over here now. The door was kicked in next door and smoke was billowing out of the front door. It began upstairs in a bedroom. I don’t know what started it. I feel bad for my neighbor. She’s a nice lady. But now I am reflecting…. For several weeks now, I notice butterflies crossing my path. Driving down the street. Landing very near. Flying around today during all of the goings on. Everywhere. My guy works nights. If I would have went ti the library, or stayed out and about as was my original thought…I would not have been home. He would have been sleeping peacefully most likely, while the smoke was building up right next door. I am thankful for those watching over our family. And as I was telling my cousin about what had happened later in the evening, 25 miles away…another butterfly, identical to the ones I’ve been seeing all week flew past me. I feel some kind of way. Reply Help me pls October 13, 2014 Can someone help pls? I feel uncertain about my animal. Everything says I’m butterfly, but I just don’t know. Any tips on connecting? Reply Aj November 6, 2014 A tip that I can say helped me, was learning how to assume innocence and positivity in people; And learning “great no problem”. Once I got really good at controlling my mind to always stay positive, I learned the secret to life. I am now one of the best salesman in my division and if god willing will be the new regional coordinator Jan.1st! –check out ‘the secret’ on YouTube! It’s a great movie that I believe every butterfly should see! Reply A.S November 14, 2014 could have been a butterfly migration think for a second…. and that was a miracle what happened not any thing to-do with your spirit animal (the fire)? it is just a miracle but weird with your spirit animal. p.s I am a butterfly too. 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Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 01:28:53 +0000

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