The choices we made in 2013 are already haunting the region.barely - TopicsExpress


The choices we made in 2013 are already haunting the region.barely 16 months after the elections,the CORD wave is shaking.Nearly all the 26 Coast Needs Politics of Conviction and not Euphoric Politics: Coast MPs do not look comfortable in wherever wing of the National Politics they were elected in or are perceived to belong to now.The Cord and Jubilee politics are dis-orienting us and the region.The two wings are seriously focused on their 2017/8 game plan.But Coast and its elected leadership look lost,most were elected on Cord,but,Jubilee won.Now the politics of maendeleo and working with the government are eating into the Coast Political Capital. With all the national political dynamics-how come Coast and its elected leadership looks lost now or shall be lost sooner:The Cord-Mungaro-Jubilee saga should not dis-orient us.Let us go back and try to re-orient the region with Politics of Conviction,issue based politics.The Coast MPs-should take stock of the current national power plays and the voice of the masses-why did it vote the way it did in 2013-and has it changed or will it ever change?Assuming we get some MPs recalled by their political parties-remember the 2010 constitution gave political parties POWER to discipline their members if the parties feel that their members who were elected on their parties show some party disloyalty-if this comes to pass-how sure are the current MPs to face the same voters and reclaim their seats.Note that we have over 3 years to 2017. My stand is that,if these MPs are serious with their potential threats to jump ship-then when they jump-they should all land in one common-local political vehicle[Party]-else the frustration cycle shall start again.Whatever is happening to our MPs-was meant to come-how they deal with it-would chart a new cause of action for Coast Politics-I can foresee a political mass grave of careers in 2017/8.The Dabaso declaration must wake up and embrace local political parties in their regional political emancipation journey.It would never be easy-it was never meant to be easy-but once done-it will change the cause of Coast Politics and it will reposition afresh and give the regional a structured and negotiated positional at the alter of national politics. But if one looks afar beyond the horizon,the politics of divide and rule are back with us within the 6 counties.The Counties political loyalties to the 2 Coalitions[Cord & Jubilee] is undergoing an engineered tensile-test.And to emerge a winner in all this,the region must stand alone-on its own 2 feet by embracing one regional political party in 2017/8 and beyond and engage the political software of structured and organized politics of negotiation-Give and take when it goes to National Politics.The war and scramble for 2017/8 has just begun.We must all pull together-else we shall perish together in the political cesspool of disunity.The divide-and-rule politiques are better seen at how the counties loyalty is sought by the government in power-the power plays ,played within and between the 6 counties is all visible to a keen political eye. Kwale,Mombasa,Kilifi,TaitaTaveta,Tana river and Lamu-can never stand alone and fight national political wars-but with them together,they would be able to.The lead people to unite the region as of now are the current political leaders[elected,nominated or selected]-all must sit down with all other stakeholders and redefine their neo-strategies,that they would all use to play national politics. The sad thing about this current political circus is that,it dis-engages and diverts us from the more tangible developmental issues in the region.It diverts us from focussing and taking advantage of the mega-developmental projects aligned by the government in the 2013-2017[The Lappset,the SGR,the KPA Charter and its Privatization program,The Dongo-Kundu project,the Multimillion mineral projects in Kwale,The one million acre irrigation project in Kulalu,the Oil & Gas explorations and other heavily funded projects that shall be done within the region]-at our own cost of course.As we divert,others shall be taking positions and make the money.This structured diversion shall also blind us from demanding more,in the next round of national-jobs appointments. Collective,Preventive and Defensive Political-Press conferences are good from our MPs-but the challenge is in redefining our Collective Coastal Political Capital and defiantly giving it the national position and respect it deserves.Let us all come together and embrace the Unity of Purpose that we all need to face the challenges of 2017/8.There is no short-cut-to-it-we must all come together and make a difference or primitively fight to nothingness amongst ourselves-This should never be allowed.It Should never happen.The Dabaso-Declaration is in its critical phase now,let it mutate by embracing the other parties,and together create a massive national movement that shall redefine our position at national politics. We are faced with many challenges as of now,but ,let us all strive to fix the POLITICAL QUESTION first-all the other issues revolve around this very question.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:05:24 +0000

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