The future of this country is being mortgaged. The politics as it - TopicsExpress


The future of this country is being mortgaged. The politics as it were today is juicy. The operators make the laws, execute the laws and are also judges in their own court. Those impose themselves or impose others as leaders across all levels are sitting on time bomb. The continuity of their holdon to power without providing basic amenities to the common man will one day spell their doom. Definitely, Allah (SWT) is never unjust; He will deal with all of them accordingly unless they repent sincerely. This in the parlance of Islam it is not by mere confession. They will return all they have unlawfully stolen or earned; they will then account to God for all lives that have been lost due to their selfish policies. The whole electioneering process is a ruse. It is nothing but a recycling of power from godfather to goddess son, from accomplice to exponent in corruption. The weather is indeed cloudy and rain may not fall. Crises are looming in the land but the panaceas are not at sight. The ship is shaking but it may not capsize. This is because Allah (SWT) has plan for this great country. It is only a few people who are the cause of our woes. We will continue to pray but it is evident that prayer alone cannot work. We need a will power as common people to determine what we want. Let us cast sentiments apart. Let us for this transformational stage look for those who are the least corrupt of the most corrupt. Let us tackle them from the grass roots. Let us begin to let them know that it is not business as usual. We do not need the peanuts they share; after all, it is our money. The time has come to take our fate in our hands with our faith and senses. Our so-called leaders take pride in failing the nation. They have impoverished country that should have been the richest in the whole world for we have what it takes which no other country possesses. These white-headed, aged-stricken and hawk-hungry leaders have made us what we are today. Most of them are morally corrupt. They have institutionalized corruption. Corruption bares no other name but corruption. The corruption of those holding public offices is the worst and the most damaging. It kills people with penury and disease. It destroys the future and disunites the nation. It corrupts the religious leaders and makes them sycophants. Whoever will become the President or Governor must have a clean past. This means he must not have at any point in time been involved in any shady deal. The media and historians should research into their lives and dig out their past with valid facts for public consumption and enlightenment. Whoever will become this leader must declare his assets completely. Non-declarationof asset is the beginning of corruption. If before you become a President, you were a Millionaire or even a Billionaire, it is not a crime. Your declaring it will indeed confirm that you are coming on board to serve the people. Hesitating to declare properties signifies that you have something up your sleeves. If it is performance, fair play and the best we want for the country, the best person must be voted. But the political weather today is corrupt, unjust and deceptive as the best person may never emerge because the people have not been made to understand their power of making leadership and resisting any imposition. They have been subjected to poverty of intellect. Electioneering today goes with money, the whole process is corrupt, and elections only seal the deal. It has always been result before election. In this wise, we should start with our selves, asking several questions on why we are where we are. If today we become ny of these office holders, can we do better than them? Reasoning has not prevailed. If it will, we have to define what we want as individuals and as a nation. Let every individual free himself from corruption. That is the starting point. Let every family mobilize their members against any corrupt person emerging as a leader. The people fix the politicians. The people are more than the politicians. The people are stable while he politicians are not, and that it is why they cross carpet. The people work for the money while the few politicians spend and embezzle the moneies. The people suffer while the politicians enjoy.The people ravel on bad roads while the politicians fly in air. The people travel to their villages to rest while the politicians travel abroad with all their families. The people have no light, the politicians have standby power source. God is with the people and not with the politicians because they bite the fingers who feed them. It is time the people voted for stable future. The time has come for the people to rule. But if the people allow any deception or empty promises, then, Now Your Suffering Continues.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:09:17 +0000

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