The gospel is this : That man although born in sin and woefully - TopicsExpress


The gospel is this : That man although born in sin and woefully unable to do anything to please a wholly holy and righteous God was from eternity past chosen by that very same God by his love, mercy and grace to be spared the eternal just reward for sinning against him in every act by violating every one of his commands. God made our salvation not a potentiality but a reality in sending his only Son,in human form born of sinful woman,yet without sin himself,living through every trial and temptation and tribulation of all humanity, to die upon the cross in our place. It was upon that cross that the sinless Son died under the just and perfect wrath and holy hatred of His Father,bearing upon himself and becoming all of the wickedness and unrighteousness of those that His Father chose in eternity past. God the Father did this so that when he called out to the elect in the right and proper time they would be regenerated and respond to the drawing,the seizing,of the Holy Spirit and repent of those sins thereby placing their faith and trust in the completed work of Christ on their behalf. In doing this they become new creations,new creatures in Christ. Becoming heirs with Him of all that is His so that we no longer live under the shadow of the terrifying wrath of God but within the passionate embrace of Him who will never leave or forsake us. SOLI DEO GLORIA!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 17:43:33 +0000

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