The greatest story of grace the true meaning of Christmas that you - TopicsExpress


The greatest story of grace the true meaning of Christmas that you need to know. Yeshua Ha Mashiach the Lamb of God is born, slain in the Passover and descends to the lowest shiol hell and Was raised up By the Holy Spirit on the third day. He then ascends to the Father of all creation YAHWEH presents his royal holy blood on the mercy and judgement seat for the remission of mankinds sins. As the high priest of our confessions he lives to Intercedes for us. The slain lamb of God that liveth forever as The high priest of our confessions in the order of Melchizedek everlasting King and priest.Worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, who has bought us unto his God as priest and kings to rule and reign on the earth. Yeshua Ha Mashiach Has been crowned King of Kings and Lord of lords, the Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah the son of man and hair of Davids thrown Apears to Mary magdalin and the apostles and to five hundred disciples. After this He ascends to heaven before them and the king seats on the right hand of YAHWEH waiting until the times reaches when he will comeback to take his bride, his followers, the church, his body. Like a thieve in the night Yeshua Ha Mashiach appears. With a trumpet sound of the Angels The king of kings will appear in the air with his angels like lightening, then the dead believers will rise again and be caught in the air first and those of us whom remain alive and believe in Yeshua Ha Mashiach in that great and terrible day, will be changed in to heavenly bodies in a twinkle of an eye. This mortal body will wear the immortal and then we will be raptured, caught up to meet with the Lord in the air defiying the laws of gravity. Then we will go with Yeshua Ha Mashiach to His God and Father in heaven. There we will receive the crown of live and a new name. We will be crowned for the good works of faith that we did on the earth for his Kingdom. Each man will receive according to what they sowed. Then when the Time reaches after that great tribulation this day knows no man only YAHWEH, then the sign of the Son of man will appear in the heavens and the king of kings and lord of lords will will appear with his Father and his angels with the new Jerusalem coming from heaven. He will land in Jerusalem and will rule from mount Zion the whole world. Those that piaced Him shall morn. And He shall rule for a thousand years the miliniam reign of Christ on the Earth. And the kingdoms of this earth shall and has become the kingdoms of our God. He shall rule with an iron feast and peace shall reign in all the earth . But before that he shall wage war with all those that love wars and practice evil in the world. Evil will face its holy war. This is called the battle of amagedon. He will destroy The beast and his followers with the sword of his mouth. Then the devial will be deleted and the earth shall finally know peace. People shall live in those days long long lives. Blessed is he that readeth this things and do them, for the time is at hand. My dear children we must Prepare for the wickedest times in the world before He comes for his bride the church. The followers of the lamb. Be ready be ready. Merry Christmas. Please spread if you believe. Ask Yeshua Ha Mashiach to forgive you your sins and to give you the salvation by his grace that if you die you may have eternal life. Welcome to the new world order. The anti Christ is already here. Open your eyes and let he who has an ear listen to what the spirit is saying to the church. Prepare so that that air does not catch you an aware like those that are in darkness. We are the children of light be therefore light in this dark world that is going down the path of its self destruction. Leave Babylon my people come out of her Come out of her my people least you receive of its judgment. Oh lord, even come quickly Lord. One day very soon me and billions of people will be missing in this earth. Think about the anarchy that will take over the place when the sun is darkened and the moon turned in to blood and the oceans turn to blood and the stars fall from the skys and the heavenly bodies shacken and wars and rumors of war, earth quicks and pestilences and draught and the sun scorching heat and you are all with chips and the mark of the beast, with a system controlling you like slaves. Every move you make they know. The secret society the elit. We have lost our freedom in this earth. Therefore we donot love this world we are just passing by sooner or later, but freedom is coming our way through Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Let all the saints rejoice for Christ is born. Let the revolution begin. Revelation tells the trueth. Wow to the inhabitance of the earth for the devial has been cast down from heaven on the earth and he has great furry for he knows his time is running out. He has come to steal kill and destroy but Yeshua Ha Mashiach is come that we may have life and life abundantly. Believe in him and accept his perfect work of Grace on the cross for your souls salvation and the remission of sin. Read and spread gleam joel Gods Liberation End of Age Ministries Joel in Hebrew Means YAHWEH is God. So you know whats up light the GLEAM manor. Be the light. Write your comment I can feel it in the air buy my album in iTunes and support my ministry to promote peace and love in this crazy world. What do you believe???????
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 04:51:31 +0000

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