The justice system in this country is pathetic....johns law - TopicsExpress


The justice system in this country is pathetic....johns law section 1.... .........................................................1) If you kill just for killing without justification or self shall be killed/public execution televised. 2) if you rape, your genitalia will be cut off, as to not do it again. 3) if you molest a child or children, your genitalia will be cut off so you never have the oppertumity to do it again... 4) if you steal, your hand or hands will be cut off. 5) if you hurt an animal, what you do to that animal will then be done to you.... 6)if you attack or hurt an elderley person, your hands and arms will be cut off... 7) jails will not be open anymore for criminals which means no 3 squares a day plus free lodging....2 camps will be open for such cases, 1 will be in a rainforest such as a place like french guiana you work you eat and you get fed what we catch in the wild maybe one day snake, maybe another day wild boar whatever is caught you will be fed and if you wish to leave and you can survive the poisonous snakes, alligators or jungle diseases then you earned your freedom. Camp 2 will be somewhere on the frozen tundra, again you will be fed upon what is caught or brought in by transit you will work in a mine and harness coal or other resources the U.S. needs for fossil fuels if you do not comply, you will be out out into the frozen wilderness with just your undershorts on and with no survival provisions to aid you if you can get out of the frozen tundra without freezing or dying from the elements you will be free to live.... These are just some of my solutions to fix the crime issues in this country if your reading this and you are a bleeding heart liberal this is why the country is as messed it is now because all the criminals have the rights now and the american citizens rights are being taken away one right at a time share my post if you believe we have are losing our rights to criminals and we still have our right to protect ourselves and have the government work for the people again....
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:17:50 +0000

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