The man is delirious!! Here is some information... from non Muslim - TopicsExpress


The man is delirious!! Here is some information... from non Muslim sources... about the subject!! URINE THERAPY, For almost the entire course of the 20th century, unknown to the public, doctors and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical testing that our own urine is an enormous source of vital nutrients, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. They use urine for healing cancer, heart disease, allergies, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, infections, and wounds... and on and on... yet were taught that urine is a toxic waste product” Urine is not a dirty and toxic substance rejected by the body. It is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. Medically it is referred to as plasma ultra filtrate. It is a purified derivative of the blood itself, made by the kidneys--whose principal function is not excretion but regulation of all the elements and their concentrations in the blood. Urine can be compared to leftovers from a meal, and this metaphor may help us understand why our bodies excrete elements that are valuable to our health and well-being. Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver where toxins are removed to be excreted as solid waste. Eventually, this purified clean blood undergoes a filtering process in the kidneys, where excess water, salts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antibodies, urea, uric acid and other elements not usable at that time by the body are collected in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution that is urine. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in the blood balanced. The important elements in the blood are not filtered out because they are toxic and harmful to the body, but simply because the body does not need a particular concentration of an element at that specific point in time. It is this very regulating process of the kidneys that allows us to eat and drink more than our bodies need at any one time. Urine is considered to be an invaluable source of nourishment and healing that perhaps has been too controversial or not financially rewarding enough for it to be talked about and encouraged as a potent medicine. Ones own urine, a living food, contains elements that are specific to ones body alone. The body is constantly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control its functions and combat imbalances that one may not be aware of.( -Biomedx!!) Cancer cells release various antigens, some of which appear in the urine. Oral auto-urotherapy is suggested as a new treatment modality for cancer patients. It will provide the intestinal lymphatic system the many tumor antigens against which antibodies may be produced. These antibodies may be transpersed through the blood stream and attack the tumor and its cells. Urine therapy has been practiced for thousands of years and has merely fallen a bit into obscurity in the last century! However, urine therapy may seem to be unorthodox and perhaps revolutionary, it does not introduce anything new or original. It has been known throughout the centuries both in the West and in the East. Dr. Evagelos Danopouolos of Greece reported that urea found in urine has anti-cancerous properties. The urea seems to disrupt the ability of cancer cells to group together and kills them by upsetting some of their normal metabolic activities. Urine therapy has been used to treat cancers of the skin, cervix, lungs, eyes, breast, and liver...!! One of the most remarkable things about this incomparable natural therapy is that the medical community has already been aware of its astounding efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe they think its too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasnt any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extraordinary natural healing elements in the world. Scientific research on urine therapy started at the turn of the last century and continued until shortly after World War II, when drug companies realized there was more money to be made in urine extracts than in promoting its self-healing properties. After innumerable clinical and laboratory tests carried out over several years in Japan, China, U.S.A. Switzerland, and many other European countries, it has been conclusively proved that over and above urea it contains enzymes (of different kinds), vitamins, antibodies, amino acids, valuable salts and minerals, carbonates, bicarbonates, pigments, carbohydrates and hormones. “The medical community has already been aware of [urines] astounding efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe they think its too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasnt any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extraordinary natural healing elements in the world!” Despite how displeasing the thought of drinking cow urine might be to the senses, there has been some research into whether or not there are health benefits to the practice. In 2012, a study published in the journal Ancient Science evaluated the effects of cow urine in laboratory rats for the purpose of diabetes control. A later study in 2013 from the International Brazilian Journal of Urology found cow urine was beneficial to prevent the formation of kidney stones in laboratory rats. “Cow urine offers a cure for around 70 to 80 incurable diseases like diabetes,” Om Prakash, of the RSS Cow Protection Department, told Reuters. “All are curable by cow urine. We refer to gau ark (cow urine) as gau jal (cow water), as it has immense potential to cure various diseases,” Prakash told The Telegraph. “We have developed a soft-drink formula with gau jal as the base.” “Just trust me on this! This drink really will require flavoring,” Keith-Thomas Ayoob, nutritionist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, told ABC News. “If they use sugar or a caloric sweetener, then the world probably doesn’t need another drink that’s just a source of sugar calories,”!! Now all the above mentioned is not retarded “Muslim” blablabla...and even if it were...what would Younes Hanoun have to say to it!! Will he find it more respectable... and acceptable... written in English... and debated in the West?! Personally... I have no opinion on the subject!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 08:34:39 +0000

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