The meaning of Truth- Part 1 No aim can be higher than that of - TopicsExpress


The meaning of Truth- Part 1 No aim can be higher than that of seeking truth, and no reward can be greater than that of finding the truth. In fact, it is now considered by everybody that the greatest virtues of all virtues is to have an intense and ceaseless desire for truth. And the greatest good of all that is good is to realize a greater and greater measure of real truth. To be set free from the imperfect and the lesser and to attain the perfect and the greater-that is what everybody is consciously or unconsciously working for; and truth can accomplish this, but truth alone. To know the truth is to secure complete emancipation; and to know the truth is to ascend to into higher and higher attainments. The awakened minds of every age have realized that the knowing of truth was the one great secret that could unravel all other secrets; and they have given their lives trying to reveal to mankind what truth really might be. Nevertheless, the race does not know, and the universal question still continues to be, what is truth? To answer this question, however, is not difficult, but it is difficult for most minds to comprehend the answer. The human mind too often believes its own conception of a truth to be the truth itself, and here is where the difficulty lies. This is the one great mistake of every age. Truth is one thing, but man’s/woman’s conception of truth is quite another thing. Truth is eternal, unchangeable and complete, while man’s/woman’s conception of truth is temporal, mutable, and incomplete. To absolute truth nothing can be added, nothing taken away, but man’s/woman’s conception of truth is frequently wrong, even when it appear to be absolutely right. The truth is infinite and immeasurable. No one, therefore, can know the whole truth. To claim that you have found the absolute truth or that you have discovered the perfect path to absolute truth is, in consequence, to delude yourself. The truth is so large that no one can ever find it all. The truth is everywhere; therefore there is no one perfect path to truth. Every mind is in the truth, literally filled and surrounded by truth, but no mind can contain the whole truth. The truth may be defined as an eternal state of perfect being; therefore, to know the truth is to know that real being is perfect, and also that the perfect state of real being is eternal. To obtain a larger and a larger mental conception of eternal perfection of real being, or fundamental reality, is to grow in truth. To grow in the truth is to find more truth, and to pass into the larger, the better, and the superior. An age that worships someone mind’s conception of truth invariably becomes materialistic, no matter how lofty that mind was that originally formed the conception of truth that is worshiped. A materialistic mind is a mind that lives in the effects of previous efforts and that does nothing to rise above such conditions as heredity has handed down. Growth, however, comes from the breaking of bounds, from the leaving of the lesser and perpetually pressing on toward the greater. In this age many efforts have been made to formulate the truth in some definite system, but how can we place that something into a system that is infinitely larger than all systems? To follow a system of thought is to worship some minds conception of truth and to ignore the real truth itself. A system, however, may be employed if it is employed solely as the means to higher conceptions, but as soon as we look upon a system as a authority, our eyes will not be able to see the truth anymore. Systems of thought, as well as systems of action, are necessary as a means to higher ends, but the higher ends will not be reached unless we constantly look through the system and keep the eye single upon the infinite, unchangeable, and immeasurable truth. True wisdom comes through mental ascension into the unbounded truth, and through a studied belief of what we now accept as truth. That knowledge that has power is gained through the constant enlargement of mentality; that is, through the expansion of consciousness as the mind grows in truth, and not from the accumulation of relative facts. Emancipation comes through ascension, and in no other way; that is, the ascension of the mind into a larger, a higher and a finer innerstanding of the truth. Freedom never comes from the acceptance of systems, but from the mind’s ascension into the new and the larger. In this very place millions have brought their lives to a standstill; they have accepted various new systems as the whole truth discovered at last, and they have settle down in that belief. When they first accepted the new system of thought their minds naturally gained a higher place, and they were set free to that extent; but when they began to worship the system as the great emancipator it cease to be a means of higher things, and become a prison which they dare not leave lest they fall back into their former condition. A new system of thought if worshiped as the truth will prevent you from ascending further into truth, and will. Therefore in due course of time make your mind just as materialistic and as limited as it was in the past. The fact that you have health, peace and contentment does not prove that you have found absolute freedom, or that you have realized absolute truth. There are thousands that have health, peace, and freedom who do not follow any system of thought at all, and who do not claim to have found a single absolute fact. The innerstanding of truth is promoted through individual research in all domains of life, and in the use of all systems of thought available as means an end in furthering of all research. It is therefore evident that individuality or the power of each mind to stand on its own feet is indispensable in the search for truth. But our object in seeking the truth is not simply to possess the truth- it is also to find greater means for growth, process, and ascension. Emancipation and attainment are the two great aims in real life, and both are the results of knowing the truth. To know the truth is to ascend perpetually into the infinite domains of truth, thus leaving behind the lesser and forever entering the greater. In this way we rise out of and rise above everything that has serve its purpose an enter constantly into the marvels and splendors in store.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:16:16 +0000

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