The men that killed the dream Here he is folks the men driving - TopicsExpress


The men that killed the dream Here he is folks the men driving the nationalist campaign of fear and intimidation, of course we all know Alex Salmond but let me introduce Mr Bruce Ogilvie, he is a self confessed racist and anti-English bigot who thinks right to reside in Scotland is only for those who were born Scottish. Of course there are no prizes for guessing where his political affiliations lie, he was heavily involved in the SNP until he was dismissed by the party for his extremist views however he remained closely linked to the party for many years after his dismissal. He has often reared his ugly head during the independence campaign and has often been sighted with Yes campaign leader Alex Salmond throughout proving his dismissal from the SNP was a image improving charade. It was in fact Mr Ogilvie that personally orchestrated the campaign of silencing Jim Murphy on his No campaign speaking tour where baying mobs of nationalists used their right to free speech to take away someone else’s in a show of intolerance and lack of regard for the principals of the so called freedom they say they are achieving by independence. Intolerance to opinion is not the founding principal of freedom but is the exact opposite as we were brought to witness and man verbally abused and drowned out by an angry mob that are happy enough to allow a person to voice an opinion unless it is incompatible with their own. Thanks to Mr Ogilvies campaign of hatred and intolerance toward those who he does not share the opinions of, Mr Murphy postponed his tour an the advice of the police who feared for his safety in the rising tide of nationalist vitriol brought about by people who have made a complete mockery of the idea of tolerance to opinion and the right to voice an opinion others do not agree with. Alex Salmond is well aware of the orchestrated campaign of online abuse towards those who do not share his opinions on independence and has not been short of a few lies himself along side his reputation of a tyrannical bully who will not tolerate opinions he does not agree with or those who do not obey his every command. Mr Ogilvie makes the perfect henchman and hired thug in the nationalists campaign of silencing its opponents with intimidation fear and intolerance and it is no coincidence that the surge in support for the Yes campaign has come at the same time of a rising tide of fear and intimidation at the hands of the likes of Mr Ogilvie and the baying mob he is personally responsible for organising. The principals of democracy and free speech have been rubbished not just by the baying mob of Yes voters that would rather see a man shouted down for voicing an opinion they do not agree with than see him exercise his right to a belief that differs from others, but by the fact the Alex Salmond refuses to reign in the bullies the operate on the official Yes campaign pages. The shouting down of Mr Murphy, vandalising of No campaign signs and nationalist vitriol directed at any who should dare take to the internet to voice their support of the union is a sad sign that freedom matters little in the face of victory and the pretence of the Yes campaigns love of freedom has been a bigoted nationalistic charade and disguise that has melted away in the face of what was once certain defeat at the hands of a love for the right to chose and differ. A victory for the Yes campaign will have come at perhaps the greatest price of all, we as a country and a people lost the right to voice opinions and vote as we choose as a rising tide of intolerance and hatred of difference in opinion sweeps over what was once a true quest for the heart of a nation. We can never be truly free when we live in a country where a person can be silenced in a wave of intolerance and anger to opinions, and we will never have democracy when people cannot vote as they choose without having to worry about the consequences of making a choice others fear, to fear choice is to fear the right to choose and it is obvious Mr Salmond and Mr Ogilvie are afraid, if they were not then why these tactics of intimidation? No-one should have to fear voicing an opinion in a democracy and none person should have to be bullied into making a choice they do not agree with, but that is now the Scotland we are living in and it is obvious by the behaviour of Mr Salmond Mr Ogilvie and those who condone their actions that democracy and free speech will be the greatest losers should there be a Yes vote. Remember that when these people raise their glasses in celebration, they are not celebrating freedom they are toasting its demise Scotland had a choice to be free and exercise its right to freedom that come through choice but instead they trampled on it in return for victory. The events we have witnessed to not bode well for a country where political opposition can be silenced by baying mobs called into action at their masters behest, and where people and can be bullied into making choices they do not agree with in a rising tide of nationalist sentiment the 21st century thought itself well rid of. Patriotism they say is pride but there is a thin line between pride and arrogance and it is only an arrogant man who would look down on another for not agreeing with his words, these people were once my friends as close as family but i do not recognise them any more and i no longer fear a Yes vote as i will not mourn the loss of people such as these. My people would have stood up for the right to choose, my people would have stood up for the right to vote how they see fit, my people would have stood up for the right to voice opinions that differ from their own, my people celebrate choice we are champions of the right to democracy. Although others may have given up on these values we will not we will stay true to our conviction and we will with our heads hight see this to the end as this is our home too and we have as much a right to a say as anyone else regardless of how Salmond and his future fascists feel about it. If this is the type of people this campaign has created, who will any stand against Salmond in future elections if this is how they will be treated by those who have already elevated him to god like status even before the votes are cast? If this is the democracy of the present, there will be no democracy in the future, democracy can only exist when there is choice and after the way the Yes campaign and its supporters have behaved it is obvious that freedom in an independent Scotland will have nothing to do with anyones right to a choice their leaders do not agree with.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:30:09 +0000

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