The month of November is arguably my most favorit month in the - TopicsExpress


The month of November is arguably my most favorit month in the year (other than May ofcause being my birthday and all). In November I know Christmas is around the corner which means a deliberate celebration of my personal savior Jesus Christ. It means gifts exchange, compulsory family reunions (kikiki), the rains set in full swing in Zimbabwe and the earth is rejuvenated but recently what has become more significant for me is the fact that the month of November offers a deliberate and objective focus directed to #GenderViolence / #domesticviolence/#Gbv. Only four years ago and before I would have never in a million years thought I would become a #gbv activist let alone I would have never even dreamt I would be abused physically by the man I loved and who indeed purported to love me. But as is said never say never right?? - WRONG because today I stand declaring never again will I be in an abusive relationship on any level(as gender based violence is not confined to physical abuse) but more importantly never again will I stand by in silence as another woman is violated in her relationship. Im a Shona Mubuja from Nyamukoho village in Mutoko and I have been raised on nyaya dzemudzimba hadzipindirwe (dont interfere in peoples domestic affairs) . Well excuse my french but I call - bullshit! A couple of years ago I became a victim of domestic violence with my then boyfriend. I am a survivor now not because of my own strength but because I belive God put people in my life who stood firm with and for me and pulled me out of what has already been proved to be a vicious cycle of violence if not stopped early. These people consisting of family friends and even strangers saw my tragedy and GOT INVOLVED!! In essence they SAVED MY LIFE ( not just from my that abuseive relationship but also and more importantly for me from abuse relationships to come) . Trust me, when I say ini handinzwaro I mean exactly that DONT DO THAT (abuse) TO ME. Now please get me right. no disrespect intended or given to the heads of our families for I KNOW my man is the head of my house but that does not mean he has the right to hit me, verbally attack me , emotionally blackmail me or financially stifle me. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO ABUSE ME REGARDLESS WHAT HE MAY BELIVE HIS REASON IS. I recently formed an organization called Speak Out- Handinyarare which advocates for women in abusive relationships to seek help and get counseling so as to move on and forward and also to build safe houses where abused women can find refuge and have sometime alone to just think before making a descision on their relationship without external influences or pressures from family or friends while at the same time receive free professional counseling which offers facts and options. Im sad to say this but until you see it pamuno sefoja ( which I pray you never do) #safehouses are paramount in instance of domestic violence. The construction of these safe houses is still a yard away largely due to lack of fincial resources and perhaps a consolidated network (but im tirelessly working on it) but my vision is crystal clear. In the next couple of years Zimbabwe will have state of the art #safehouses scattered across the nation and open to ALL women of Zimbabwe regardless of color, religion or social standing. In the meantime as we navigate our way there I invite you to join me on my interactive website speakouthandinyarare . The site is rather sparse at the moment because it is an interactive platform created for us Zimbabwean women to share not just our traumas and tragedies as victims but also to empower and share our victories as survivors. Its a platform where the girl child of Zimbabwe can come and consult, ask questions and get practicle advice. It is a platform to comeserat. It is a platform where we will continue to fight gender violence. It will keep you abreast with the laws of the land regarding #gbv. What do when confronted such a scenario and who to turn to for assistance. Knowledge is Power. DONT IGNORE MUKADZI ACHIROWHA IWE WAKA GUMBATA MAWOKO and hide behind oh im not getting involved because I know lovers they might get back together then she will hate me .NOOO!!! You are just being a coward. So what if they get back together hantiti ndo inloveyacho? And if they fight AGAIN - GET INVOLVED AGAAAIN!! How can you claim to love your friend or relative yet with your im not getting involved attitude you leave them to repeatedly face the shadow of death. God has NEVER given up on YOU . HOW DARE YOU GIVE UP ON HIS CREATION. (The website will be up and running by this Friday. Please find the time to visit it. Remember so far its 100% volunteerily administratored so your contributions are most welcome. A special thanks to my new friend Keith (who shall remain just Keith for now) for faciliting the website for me absolutely free of charge. I cant wait for you to all meet this #realman one day. His story and his passion will shake your world.) Say No to Domestic violence #Gbv. #SpeakOut_HADINYARARE Lots of activities to be a part of this month in relation to Gbv awarness. eg: #16daysOfActivisim #realmen_purplenails campaign #survivors_treeplanting and a once off performance of my acclaimed theater production , the classic #HotWaterBottle
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 02:03:20 +0000

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