The more I think about Alissa’s case, the more disgusted I - TopicsExpress


The more I think about Alissa’s case, the more disgusted I become. Here is why: Alissa Beth Guernsey was Murdered! Alissa’s mother, Kelli, was trying to do the right thing. She was trying to get help in fighting her own demons after the death of her Life Partner, Alissa’s father, Michael Guernsey. Kelli entrusted her precious gifts to a family member. Then, she was denied all contact, by that ‘family member’, Christy Shaffer! Kelli paid a terrible price for trying to do the right thing! Christy Shaffer …CHOSE not to stop all of this, She CHOSE not to stop her-self. Christy Shaffer …CHOSE to keep the children, She CHOSE not to get help. Christy Shaffer …CHOSE to keep ABUSING. Christy Shaffer …CHOSE to beat a child to death with her bare hands. Christy Shaffer …CHOSE to Terrorize, to Torture, to ultimately MURDER a 16 MONTH OLD LITTLE GIRL!! I have no sympathy for Christy’s husband either. Why? Matt Shaffer did not do what was right! He kept his month shut and let this happen. HE says he doesn’t know what happened to Alissa, WHAT? He was there, he was not employed at the time, so where was he? He had to have seen what was happening during the three months preceding Alissa’s death. Matt did not report the abuse. He did not see to it that the children were removed from that house, including his own children. He claims he was trying to protect his children, from what? If that were true, he would have taken ALL of the children out of the house, out of Christy’s reach! He would have filed the report of Abuse! (That is what a real man would have done!) He is not protecting the children; He is damaging them. How you might ask? By not doing what is right, he is telling those children; ‘It’s O.K. to terrorize, torture and kill those who are weaker, smaller and unable to defend themselves. That no one is going to stop you, no one is going to report you. Because of this silence the law will not punish you!’ Yes, standing up and doing what is right can, sometimes, be the hardest thing we will have to do in life. That is what makes us Human! The Doctor, Dr. John Egli, the nurses and the front desk staff are supposed to be trained to recognize the signs of abuse. Fifteen medical appointments, multiple tests all negative. They knew, and did nothing! Dr. Egli actually made statements minimizing Alissa’s injuries, trying to blame them on the family dog and falling while playing?! The doctor’s own words point directly at his own culpability…’I was going to file the report when I returned from vacation.’ (I am of course paraphrasing here.) WHAT? The doctor just admitted he knew of the abuse! (I guess his vacation was more important to him.) He violated medical ethics, the Hippocratic Oath, ‘First; Do no harm’, and displayed a flagrant lack of sound judgment. By doing nothing he knowingly left a child in a life-threatening situation. (As far as I am concerned, that makes him an accessory to the crime.) The prosecutor, Mr. Wible, convened a Grand Jury to formulate charges? What is this nonsense? The evidence is all there. The medical records; before, during and after tell the story, as does the (Det. Boyd) investigator’s report. (Including a statement made by Kelli’s two surviving children to the investigator …’he was the nice one, she was the mean one’). The photos taken before, during and after being placed in Christy Shaffer’s care show the progression of Alissa’s injuries. The autopsy photos show the damage. The coroners’ report indicates ‘Cause of death; Blunt Force Trauma to the Head’ and ‘Manner of death; HOMICIDE’. Det. Boyd said ‘Christy Shaffer was/is the only suspect in this homicide’. Mr. Wible’s Grand Jury charged Christy with Two counts of Neglect, Felony B – NEGLECT of a minor dependant and Felony C – NEGLECT of a Minor dependant. She pled guilty to the Felony B and they dropped the Felony C. There was NO Felony A – Neglect of a minor dependant resulting in death charges, No Manslaughter charges, No Homicide charges and no Murder charges, in any form, ever filed against Christy Schaffer! Mr. Wibles’ reason for NOT pursuing harsher charges; He couldn’t prove Christy was responsible for Alissa’s death and he wanted to avoid controversy. He also said he didn’t have any witnesses, he didn’t have a confession and he didn’t have a murder weapon. This is an outrage! This DEATH was not a case of neglect. This is a case of on-going assaults, abuses and battery. This is CAPITAL MURDER! I have seen the autopsy reports and pictures. I have seen the toxicology report. I have seen all of the pictures before, during and after the 110 days of beatings and mistreatment Alissa suffered at the hands of Christy Shaffer. I have read the investigator’s report and the time-line of the progression of Alissa’s injuries and Medical Appointments. I know there are avenues of discoveries that conflict with Mr. Wibles’ assessments. There were Witnesses, the other children could have made testimonies on video tape, in the judges chamber’s with the prosecutor and the defense attorney. What about the doctors and nurses who should have been responsible for caring for and reporting the abuse? Not all murders make confessions. The Murder Weapon is the hands, fists and knuckles of the suspect, Forensic Science could have been used to make measurements and molds of the suspects’ hands and these molds could have been compared to the bruises covering Alissa from head to toe. What about the autopsy photo very clearly showing the 4 prong marks matching the diamond ring worn by Christy Shaffer? Judge VanDerbeck, this man had no business sitting on the bench for this case. He said he knew the family of the defendant; socially and personally. His words were something to effect of; ‘Mr. Sprunger (Christy’s father) and I have served on several boards together’ and ‘we have attended a ball game together’. Kerry Sprunger, Christy Shaffers father, was on The Sheriffs’ Merit Board at the time of the MURDER, and resigned immediately afterwards. The Judge also states ‘these are good people…a good family’. (Excuse me but Alissa was a member of that family too!) Judge VanDerbeck goes on to say Christy was trying to be a ‘Good Samaritan’. On May 25, 2011, Christy Shaffer was sentenced to 10 years with six years suspended. But on Aug. 11, the Judge modified her sentence to the 77 days she’d served, six months of home monitoring and three years of probation. (Where’s the Justice?) Christy’s intentions in the beginning might have been good, but that does Not Diminish Her Actions. Just because she comes from ‘a good family…nice people’, does Not Justify the Judge’s Decision. Clearly his judgment was impaired by his friendship with Christy’s father and family. This case has been an outright unconscionable tragedy! Humanity deserves and demands Justice! Justice was NOT served. Re-open this case, correct a great injustice, and send a clear message! This Not Acceptable!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 12:38:25 +0000

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