The more turbulent the floodwaters of adversity in our situation, - TopicsExpress


The more turbulent the floodwaters of adversity in our situation, the more we can rejoice. Our natural reasoning would tell us to flee from the edge of a riverbank when it is at flood stage, but God wants us to get right up to the very edge and begin to cast out seed (Mark 4:14). The more seed we cast out, the more harvest we will reap. The flood, which was meant to destroy, ends up becoming a blessing in disguise, because the water has penetrated far beyond the surface of the soil and produced mud, so that the seeds can sink down deeply. Then, when the waters recede and they WILL recede—the seeds will have all the moisture and depth of soil that they need to become firmly rooted, grow quickly and become very prolific. We need to begin to view adversity as our friend, preparing the soil to receive the seed by watering and softening it. Instead of resigning ourselves to what we may think is inevitable failure and destruction, let us seize the opportunity to throw out seeds of the Word of God, and in the end, we will reap the richest, most abundant harvest possible! “Happy and fortunate are you who cast your seed upon all waters [WHEN THE RIVER OVERFLOWS ITS BANK; for the seed will sink into the mud and WHEN THE WATERS SUBSIDE, it will spring up; you will find it AFTER MANY DAYS in an abundant harvest], and can safely send forth the ox and the donkey [to range freely].” (Isaiah 32:20).
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 00:56:12 +0000

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