The most frequent question any Infernian gets asked is, what is - TopicsExpress


The most frequent question any Infernian gets asked is, what is Team Inferno? I hope the following answers that question :) (Feel free to tag anyone curious to know about Team Inferno) Team Inferno, created in the year 2011, comprises of engineering students of Sir MVIT, Bangalore. It is the magnum opus of the mechanical department of the college, and so far the team has been able to create a prototype of a car that can deliver a whopping mileage of 240 kilometers per litre and the design was recognized as on of the best from India at the Shell Eco Marathon 2012. The team still perseveres to make the design leaner and better! It all began with a casual student-teacher interaction about upcoming competitions. The challenge offered by the Shell Eco Marathon caught the fancy of a couple of adventurous mechanical engineering students. This pair then started playing around with engine designs while searching for some kindred spirits. Soon they saw their numbers increase to 7 and thus a team was formed. This team armed with the knowledge of basic engineering, immersed themselves in research. With the help of local mechanics and sponsors such as Konark, EDS Technologies, Vedanta Aluminium, Orient Marine Lines and ASM Engineering Works the car prototype was ready and was nicknamed ”DRONA”. After passing the prelims the car was taken to the Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2013 held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where it gave a mileage of 240 kmpl and was recognized as one of the best designs from India! After that the team’s popularity increased and they were even offered a stall in the India Manufacturing Show 2012, where a surprise was waiting for them. Anand Mahindra, Chairman and MD of Mahindra & Mahindra visited their stall and applauded their design and even tweeted about the team\’s achievement. The next year the torch was passed down from the seniors to the juniors. The juniors equipped with wisdom passed down from the seniors and a sea of new ideas looked forward for the Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2013. Soon the team had cleared both phases of the prelims and were ready showcase the new and improved design when the event was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions in Kuala Lumpur making it ill suited for the marathon. The team instead of getting disheartened, took the opportunity to spread their reach and started a recruitment drive. By the end of the drive the team was equipped with a support team of 21 enthused engineering students. Although the focus of the team was the marathon, it was seen that the member’s motivation was not derived from the thirst to win but by fact that each one of them felt that their work could help bring a change in the world and lead it in a better direction. With such a keen driving force the team excelled in the Shell-Eco Marathon Asia 2014, with car, once again clearing both the safety and technical inspection and also the team got shortlisted for the prestigious Communications Award! Now the mantel was passed from the seniors to the juniors and the team is once again geared up to take on the challenge! Fueled with new and innovative ideas the team is working tirelessly to make it bigger and better in the Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2015 to be held in Manila, Philippines, and possibly bring back home the trophy with name INFERNO blazing on it and achieve mileages that have never been achieved before!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:48:14 +0000

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