The move to Bakersfield was a bit overwhelming, for both of - TopicsExpress


The move to Bakersfield was a bit overwhelming, for both of us. We got there early afternoon on Thursday and jumped right into therapy, paperwork and evaluations. He used a walker all day which was a big jump from primarily using the wheelchair. Then he rode the bus to the apartment complex where we took a tour and Mark got moved in. He has two roommates and a staff member is always in the apartment. Friday was another full day of therapy and evaluations. He has physical, occupational, educational, and cognitive therapy along with counseling. I feel like Im missing one. We were told that the some of the evaluations take a week to complete. After that they will have a conference with all involved to develop a treatment plan. We are eagerly awaiting the results of all the evaluations and to learn how long they would like Mark to stay and the outcomes they hope to achieve. Another positive step, along with using the walker full time, is that Mark is now able to eat soft foods, so hes not limited to pureed food anymore. Hopefully he will be able to move to solids in the next week. That will make it easier on him, as he has to prepare his own food It is difficult being further apart and rather weird for him to be living in an apartment with roomies instead of me. It is also hard dividing my time between caring for Marks mother and being with Mark. But we will carry on with the Lords help. Please continue to pray for us and for Hannah as we make these adjustments. Pray for continued speedy improvements, but also for patience for us as we wait on the Lords timing. Thank you so much for journeying with us.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:46:14 +0000

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