The myth of white superiority Since the time that we Black - TopicsExpress


The myth of white superiority Since the time that we Black people first encountered the white invaders, theyve proven themselves to be the most maliciously deceitful group of the human family. Their propensity for being cunningly deceitful has only been matched by their profound proclivity for racism and greed for power. While labelling all other races as being savages they have in fact been the most brutally savage throughout history. They alone are the most arrogant and the only race predisposed to racism; all other races have been their enemies or their victims. Their subjugation, murder and exploitation of all other races are unparalleled. These predispositions among the white races hasnt disappeared. Theyve always engaged in deceitful practices against we Black people. Because the blatant methods used in the past had become socially and morally unacceptable the white elites modifying their deceitful practices into a more covert manner by using psychological warfare system to unrelentingly attacks the minds of Black people. We Black people are being brainwashed to admire and respect whites and to hate ourselves. We have been subjected to the white media controllers anti blackness perception management program for most of our trusting the enemy lives. The daily assault of this psychosocial treatment upon the Black psyche is designed to corrupt Black peoples sense of racial unity and cohesion, mild the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. It is a program designed to break down the Black sense of racial heritage, allegiance and unity by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves while implying that they admire, respect, and trust only whites. Because racism prevails best when its victims no longer recognises it, the white ruling elites have attempted to create a racist system that is not only beyond the grasp of our average understanding but that also literally dumbs us down - hence distracting us from seeking true liberation. We must therefore educate ourselves becoming well verse in the modern racist systems that is now being used against our people. We Black people must also resist these psychosocial programs by rethinking everything. Question and doubt EVERYTHING weve been taught. If we truly wish to be free we must think outside the paradigm of black demoralising misinformation given to us by the white controllers of all misinformation. Because everything that theyve told to us are lies used to perpetuate the myth of their white superiority.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:55:25 +0000

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