The number of student visa cancelations in Australia by those who - TopicsExpress


The number of student visa cancelations in Australia by those who have canceled one visa to then obtain a different kind of Visa (ie. spousal visa) in just one year ! Its not fair to the people who work and study very hard to get visa . Some taking 2 jobs just to afford their study fees. They would never cheat their way into this country bcoz they escaped the corruption facing their own country . Unfortunately these people are getting such a bad name here & racism is just growing more and more where immigrants are concerned. Hats off to the people who come here and build a life for themselves the right way - and to those trying to manipulate the system, its a shame people allow it & and you continue with such an indecent heart. The word desperation does not even apply to the people cheating our system, if thats what you believe, because the majority of these cheaters actually have very rich families in india or elsewhere. They are not living in slums, they are not apart of the poverty in their country. They have more then what some have here. I know everyone believes that everyone in Australia is wealthy but its not true - which is why so many agree to marry for money . Desperation is found in the children who have no food to eat or the people who build their own homes from rubbish theyve collected, these people never come to Australia they cannot afford to even go on Facebook . Its just disgusting how people are being cheated though, especially in my case where I opened my heart and home to a stranger who had completely fabricated an entire personality that didnt exist! I wasnt aware that I was being used. I know heart break doesnt kill you - but the betrayal , trust, cheating, lying , abandon, fear, depression - does. If I win this court case I will be going to the news reporters with my story so I can raise some serious awareness about what is going on. I will also share my album VISAA on tv if they decide to take my story on. I have no hatred towards india or any other nationality. I just hate the lying bastards like Rahul. Who I married & after 5 months he disappeared & I got arrested for something I would never ever do. For me, Im 25 and have been accused of attempt to murder by the man I love, just so he can obtain his residency here wether we are together or not, and I will have divorce attached with my name for a life time ... and he? He will have permanent residency & a wife arranged for him from india whilst he lied to me suggesting that he would be mine for eternity . I cant let this go on, perhaps this is why this happened to me, so I can help people. I need to win my court case, and raise awareness. If not only for my own satisfaction & clearing myself of all convictions, but also as a warning for all women who may find them selves in this very painful situation in their lives too. Please share Jamie .
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 22:51:50 +0000

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