The participants in the conspiracy: It is obvious that - TopicsExpress


The participants in the conspiracy: It is obvious that coordinated efforts were made by B/Gen. Luther Custodio to achieve a single end, the annihilation of Sen. Aquino. While the supposed purpose of OPLAN BALIKBAYAN which Col. Ager Ontog had formulated was intended to secure the well-being and safety ofSen. Benigno Aquino, ,Jr., the plan turned out to be the basis for the oneness and conclusiveness by which the military men involved had pursue, their intention to snuff out the life of their Commander-in- Chiefs foremost contender. The OPLAN BALIKBAYAN as, conceived by Col. Ager Ontog for the purpose of organizing elements of AVSECOM to provide for the safety of Senator Aquino was perfect for the purpose. But, as the circumstances and events unfolded, the officers and men of the OPLAN appeared to have changed their roles as guardians of the life and limb of the Senator. The men as organized in the OPLAN utilized their organizational set up: First, to stem the tide of journalists from following the Senator and viewing the spectacle of his martyrdom; second, to convert the Boardinq Party into a patsy and shoot him as soon as it becomes evident that the Senator is already killed; fourth, to see to it that no one comes in the way of Senator Aquino and his supposed escort as they go down the stairs; fifth, to make as show of picking up the gun allegedly used by Rolando Galman; sixth, to cordon the area, not to protect the Senator, but to prevent; anyone from witnessing the charade, and seventh, to load the Senator, without anyone affording him first aid or determining whether he was dead or still alive on board the SWAT van to keep him away from the view of possible onlookers and to bring him to the hospital already dead. Brig. Gen. Luther Custodio The key that set the conspiracy in motion was his command: Copy. All Units. Implement. PLAN BRAVO At this order, all units were synchronized. 2Lt. Jesus Castro mobilized the Boarding Party and saw to it that Senator Aquino would be brought down the bridge where he was to be shot with the least difficulty and obstruction. Captain Bautista and the men of his IMPLAN MASID fought; off journalists and passengers from following Senator Aquino and from taking movies and pictures of him on the bridge stairs. The Boarding Party was secure in the thought that no one could bar the objective or even observe their actions. Thanks to IMPLAN MASID. Captain Valerio and with the SWAT van at or near the foot of the bridge stairs. Team Alpha had cordoned the front part of the CAL plane with a view to preventing interference from the outside. Even AVSECOM ramp guards and MIA hired security guards were shooed off and were prevented from witnessing an unfolding charade. Sergeants Torio and 0pilas backed off and went away from the bridge stairs. Cabin security guards were prevented from ascending the bridge stairs to perform their jobs. Thus, The assassination of Senator Aquino Has perpetrated without any hitch. Copy. All Units. Implement Plan Bravo II.” To the conspirators it was meant to start action on what had been agreed upon. “Throw Aquino to the wolves.” This, and the incriminating circumstances heretofore adduced point a guilty finger to the General. Brig. Gen. Luther Custodio was the man who called the shots and from whom all orders emanated, at least within the confines of his territorial jurisdiction, in connection with the operation ostensibly to meet: Senator Aquino, Jr. He was coordinating all units and all units were supposed to report to him. A disclaimer on his part that he was not in on the conspiracy to kill Senator Aquino, notwithstanding the foregoing incriminating circumstances, deserves no credibility. A death squad if ever there was one. Assigned as the Boarding Party to fetch Senator Aquino from the CAL plane and to provide for his safety, this team virtually held him as a prisoner, instead, by holding him by his arms; literally bodily lifting him out through the plane door, thence, through the aerobridge exit, and then onto the bridge stairs, where he was shot. 2Lt. Jesus Castro: Upon the cue: Copy All Units. Implement Plan Bravo, guided his men, who were bringing Senator Aquino, to the aerobridge exit, so as to make them go down the bridge stairs where he knew Senator Aquino was to be executed by his men upon his go signal. CIC Rogelio Moreno acted the way he did because, and We quote him, I was only following orders. No question, Lt. Jesus Castro directly gave the Order to implement the plan to kill. If he says he had simply relayed the Order emanating from the top man in the totem pole, It was Lt. Jesus Castro who got ClC Moreno and CIC Lazaga, feelings or PC personnel devoid of penitential feelings or compunction for their brutal nature, to join the Boarding Party, with the consent and conformity of PC Major Senador. He augmented his force by taking in Sgt. Filomeno Miranda of IMPLAN MASID. These acts of taking in personnel from other units obviously were not intended to pursue the Boarding party’s original mission. All units below the CAL plane had cordoned the pane and were there at the imaginary route of Senator Aquino supposedly to secure and protect the Senator’s person. The augmentation of forces clearly was designed to inject personnel to implement their plot to kill the Senator. The voice comparison and sound analysis conducted by Dr. Matsumi revealed that the words, ‘Eto na “ and “Pusila” …which were heard shortly before Senator Aquino was shot were uttered by Lt. Jesus Castro. ClC Rogelio Moreno, according to his declaration in open court was following Sgt. Arnulfo De Mesa and Senator Aquino when they were descending the stairs. Actually, De Mesa was more to the left of the Senator. Moreno, therefore, was directly left behind the Senator. Moreno was in khaki uniform, with the familiar red shoulder boards worn by elements of the PC METROCOM. witness Jessie Barcelona singled out the soldier in khaki following Senator Aquino as the escort who shot the Senator. Considering the established order of descent of the Boarding Party, the fact being that ClC Moreno was the man in khaki uniform immediately following Senator Aquino, the inescapable conclusion is that ClC Rogelio Moreno was the actual killer. The paraffin test on ClC Rogelio Moreno, taken on August 24, 1983, revealed the presence of gunpowder specks (nitrates) on both persuasive evidence of the fact that he it was who was the actual perpetrator of the brutal act herein charged. CIC Rogelio Moreno, when interviewed by H/Sgt. Pedro J. Aquino, a CIS investigator, declared that he was a member of the Boarding Party and was assigned to the AVSECOM only on August 19, 1983 for the purpose. M/Sgt. Aquino observed that ClC Moreno, then, was uneasy, listless, morose and lonely. When ClC Moreno was asked by Sgt. Aquino as to Morenos participation in the dastardly crime against a former Senator of the Republic, M/Sgt. Pedro J. Aquino related that: A So I asked him bluntly that you were the one who did the shooting on the late Senator? Q Yes? Q And he answered me, I cannot do anything, sir, I just followed orders. De Guzman, Mateo, Desolonq and Estelo were members of Team Alpha, under the command of Captain Felipe Valerio. Under IMPLAN.ALALAY, Team Alpha was supposed to, ferry Senator Aquino, by means of the AVSECOM van, to the office of Gen. Luther Custodio. But, they had instead become the instruments for the completion of the charade in which Rolando Galman was made to look like the assassin and was thus repeatedly fired at until he died. De Guzman, Mateo, Desolong, and Estelo were the soldiers who, by their admission and as borne out by the evidence, shot and killed Rolando Galman. The fact that they did is an indication that they were a part of the conspiracy to kill Senator Aquino. Seeing as they did that the Boarding Party committed the foul deed of killing Senator Aquino at the bridge stairs, why would they kill Rolando Galman if it were not to complete the deception of those minded to make an inquiry into the death of the, Senator? M/Sgt. Pablo Martinez was standing guard seven (7) meters from the foot of the bridge stairs when he allegedly saw Senator Aquino and the Boarding Party at the mid-section of the bridge stairs; that he turned his head for a moment to see if there were intruders around; that when he turned back to gaze at Aquino, he had allegedly seen Rolando Galman pointing a gun at the head of the Senator, at which point, he has about to shoot Galman but Galman had already fired at the Senator before he could act. Since his allegations of fact are falsities and, since he ought to have seen that it was Moreno who shot the Senator at the bridge stairs, We are convinced that Martinez was at the scene pursuant to the conspiracy to kill the Senator. That he had fired, or was about to fire at Galman, made him a part of the charade. Also, he made a show of getting hold of the gun alleged by Sgt. de Mesa as the murder weapon and publishing that fact before everyone. He saw what the Boarding Party did to Senator Aquino. Why did he go along with the allegations of Sgt. De Mesa and, thus, add his ten cents worth to the deception if he were not in on the conspiracy? Having been members of Team Alpha, these three complemented the actuations and the role of De Guzman, Desolon9, Mateo and Estelo in the conspiracy. Sgt. Aquino provided actual and moral support to his said coaccused by taking a position at the doorway of the van, aiming his rifle at the fallen rear bumper, even as his companions performed their pantomime at the tarmac. These actions of Sgt. Aquino were performed to make it appear as though Galman had shot Senator Aquino. Since he saw for a fact that the Senator was shot while at the bridge stairs by a member of the Boarding Party, his said actions indicate knowledge of participation in the conspiracy to kill the Senator. Artates and Taran, by their actions, were on the ready to support whatever action their leaders De Guzman, Desolong, and Mateo undertook to perform. Their participation consisted of supportive action, but they were definitely in the conspiracy. They went along with the pantomime and farcical actions of their companions. Then, upon seeing that Senator Aquino fell on the tarmac after having been shot by Moreno, they lifted the Senator and threw him into the SWAT van as though he were a sack of rice, without as much as verifying whether the Senator was still alive. Senator Aquino suffered a depressed fracture on the head which was there for all to see. The question is where and when the Senator was struck on top of the head. Up to the moment of the first shot, Senator Aquino held his head erect and was seen walking down the stairway. There was no point in hitting him on the head after he had been shot and as he lay dying on the tarmac. The film footage and pictures taken of him as he lay there up to the time he was lifted and shoved onto the SWAT van do not show anyone hitting him on the head. When the SWAT van arrived at the hospital, Senator Aquino was already dead; at that point, there was no point in bashing his head. In all probability, therefore, Senator Aquino’s head was hit y a blunt instrument, which could be the butt of the gun when he was already ion the van. One among the members of Tea Alpha, sensing that the Senator might still be alive, struck his head to make sure that he was dead. This further incriminates all who rode in that van. After the Boarding Party, with the Senator in tow, got out of the plane and, while they were on their way to the aerobridge stairs, the members of IMPLAN MASID, upon the order of Capt. Bautista, formed human blockade at the plane door and prevented the journalists who were brought along by Senator Aquino, and the passengers, from following the Senator down the bridge stairs. Since Senator Aquino was to be shot alter exiting from the plane, the act of preventing the journalists who were ready with their still and moving cameras from following him must necessarily be a part of the conspiracy. As the, military officer who gave order to bar the journalists from exiting thru the door of the movable tube, Capt. Romeo Bautista was essentially a knowing and willing participant of the conspiracy. the said maneuver, he prevented the journalists and the passengers from witnessing Senator’s Aquino’s descent and eventual assassination at the bridge stairs. Were it not for his order to his end for concerted action, the double killing subject matter of these cases could have been prevented or, in any case, earlier revealed and fully documented.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 23:35:54 +0000

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