The power of words is unlike any other thing out there. Words can - TopicsExpress


The power of words is unlike any other thing out there. Words can make or break you. They can encourage or discourage. They can hurt or they can heal. It all depends on how they are used. So often, we do not think before we speak. The words fly out and we wish we could stuff them back in and everyone would forget what was said. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Once they come out, there is no turning back. You may hope that they will be forgotten, but they never are. Some words are words that encourage and lift people up, but isn’t it funny how we remember the ones that hurt us easier than the ones that strengthened us? We can say 100 great things to our kids and 1 negative thing. What do they remember? They remember that one that made them feel bad, not the 100 ones that made them feel good. Talking with Riley yesterday, she came to a huge reality. She has done this so much in her life that she has created a false reality. Her memory of her past is her reality, but it is not an accurate one of truth. In processing through all of this, she learned a great deal about herself. She realized she needs to remember well and not focus on the negative. I think this is so true of all of us. I remember sitting in a circle with my team for Middle School ministry years ago. We threw a question out to everyone. What was their best childhood memory with our parents? As we went around the room, I sat there searching through my mind. I started to scramble and think really hard. 10 minutes went by, and I couldn’t think of one! Was my childhood that bad? No. I mean it was crazy, but there were good times. I just couldn’t remember any of them. All I could remember were the traumatic experiences and the bad and negative things that were said to me. How I viewed my past and focused on the negative became my reality for my past. There was nothing good at all. So, there are two things that are weighing on me today. One is that we all remember well, because our memories of our experiences become our reality. The other one is the power of words. I want to discipline myself to make sure that my words strengthen and encourage. I want to make sure they are not reckless and damaging, for this will be what my kids remember. This will be what molds and shapes our relationships. God continually shows us through His scriptures the importance of relationships and the power of words. May we use them wisely today. May we build instead of destroy. Love instead of hurt. May they cause our memories to be ones that are good and filled with joy instead of painful and filled with regret.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 17:44:59 +0000

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