The problems we face in combating terrorism is from within. The PC - TopicsExpress


The problems we face in combating terrorism is from within. The PC enslaved and the apologists and their promoters stop much needed conversation to problem solve. Here is one who is given prominence on the ABC, Fairfax and now appears as a co-host on Channel 10s The Project, Waleed Aly. He thinks terrorism is a mere irritant and heck why are we worried? It only kills a few people anyway and our response is about us as we dont really care about the dead victims anyway. The left applaud. Excerpts from Waleed Aly article: ....Gone is the triumphalist rhetoric of the ‘’War on Terror’’, with its ridiculous promises of a terrorism-free world and the ultimate victory of freedom over tyranny. In its place is a far more sober, pragmatic recognition that terrorism is a perpetual irritant, and that while it is tragic and emotionally lacerating, it kills relatively few people and is not any kind of existential threat..... ....Let’s clear something up: our responses to terrorism are not about the loss of innocent life. We think they are because that’s the first thing we talk about. We use the suffering of victims to emote, and we look at the attacks through that prism. But it’s never really about the victims. It’s about us..... On the Boston bombings his wishful thinking they werent Muslims but he was wrong. I suppose he was practicing taqiyya which is a sanctioned strategy of lying to non believers to advance the Muslim ideology. ....It’s possible, too, that this reticence is a product of the very real suspicion that the [Boston] perpetrators here are self-styled American patriots. At this point, most analysts are leaning that way … Maybe we’re speaking in more hushed tones because our own societies might just be implicated......
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 23:24:15 +0000

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