The reality is—Obama is abusing this law to deliver the coup de - TopicsExpress


The reality is—Obama is abusing this law to deliver the coup de grâce to the Republic of the United States. Hes doing this by blowing open the border for blue voters to enter en masse like the thundering horde; then following, of course, with mass amnesty. He also has plans for the thugs and Muslim terrorists oozing in with this steady stream. Mark my words, they WILL be used against us. The U.S. is a sovereign state, a nation, WITH A BORDER to be respected. We welcome all legal immigrants who properly enter and segue into OUR culture. These invaders, and, yes, I said invaders, are entering without proper medical screening to then be secreted to mostly red states without the knowledge of the governors of those states. They may be documented but we dont know who they are. What an insult to all LEGAL immigrants who enter, well, legally under documentation and earn their citizenship by going through the process, working hard for months and years to obtain this jewel, U.S. citizenship. I ask all you bleeding hearts, you Kool-Aid popsicle SUCKERS, how many hundreds of thousands to millions more welfare recipients—because BO wont stop—do you think you can support? The answer is: None in a fiduciary responsible way. This influx of illegal$ will become a tipping point for financial disaster in the U.S. Were practically there thanks to BO and his blind followers. Now, if you like what BO is doing to even YOU with his abuse of this immigration law, then welcome to the United Socialist Muslim States of America. Good luck in your shared misery. You might want to get your affairs in order because, at the end of the day, youre just an expendable tool and infidel to Big Brother and Muslims. They wont even know your name, metaphorically that is . . .
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:25:49 +0000

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