The religions of doing – The religion of done ~Mike Heil Romans - TopicsExpress


The religions of doing – The religion of done ~Mike Heil Romans 3:21,22 “But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction.” A common, yet erroneous belief is that all religions lead to God. It does not matter if you are a Moslem, or Buddhist, or believe in Mother Earth, all religions are from God and ultimately lead to God. Actually, the scripture teaches the exact opposite. Instead of all religions dovetailing and leading back to God, Romans 1 tells us all mankind knew of God originally, but, because people did not want to follow Him they made up their own religion; not surprisingly a religion in the exact image of the person creating it. And, the primary trait of all these individual religions is they all require faithful works. Works, self-effort, doing right, the law all have the same goal, being “good enough” for the holy God to accept us. Like I said yesterday, this to trying to put out a fire with a can of gasoline. It is an exercise in futility, which our enemy loves to encourage. So, false religion sprung up to keep people chasing the carrot . . .just out of their reach. Righteousness is not a matter of doing, it is a reality that is done. When Jesus took our sins, and cried out “It is finished”, nothing further would need to be done. Hebrews 10:14 tells us about that moment when it said, “For one offering He has perfected forever them that are sanctified”. The right standing, holy and blameless, you and I possess did not come through day-by-day works; it came through our giving up our own self-effort and trusting the cross of Christ. That moment, an instant in time, the righteousness of Christ was ours for eternity. It is a heart filling truth we will sing of a million years from now. Have you given up? Have you quit trying to gain God’s favor by works? Has the frustration of self-effort finally turned your eyes to the cross? Then ask Him to come into your life and be your Lord, and His righteousness is yours.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:55:06 +0000

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