The revelation of the Pillars of Creation are being restored in - TopicsExpress


The revelation of the Pillars of Creation are being restored in the Church this hour, and Gods people are learning to Create with Him in the glory. He is adding unto them the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding...the North Wind Continues to blow and the North Wind Prophets are at work...... I decree and declare this is hour of the North Wind Prophets. I decree and declare that the North Wind continues to blow. I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, It is the season of Courts of Justice where My people will begin to learn to create more of the entrance of Christ Jesus in the earth through my glory, by the Spirit of Prophecy. I will continue to cause My North Wind Prophets to arise in this hour as Eagles and speak the oracles of My Wisdom. My North Wind will continue to blow until April. For I Am teaching you understanding of My seasons and My times. April the wind shall change to the Spirit of Council and Grace, just as it did with Noah by My East Wind. It will be during that time that Prophets shall arise that have been feeding in the Cave and greater VISION OF SPIRIT WILL come forth. Increase of My Spirit of Grace upon My people and continued time of favor and promotion. Create with Me. Be strengthened for I Am giving you the tongue to Create in My Glory and Revival of My spoken Word. ====================================== This is a post of prophecy in the news. I already shared with you a previous post several days ago That January 5 in the Bible starts a new Prophets Watch of the North Wind in the Bible. What that means is Gods rebuke of His enemies but Great Favor and Delight upon His people. The council of the Sanhedrin and the Elders are at work, and the Prophets are busy declaring and decreeing the heart of God to create Christ Jesus to be formed in the heart of the earth for His entrance. A true Courts of Justice is at work in the North Wind. Here, we see more of the North Wind taking place with a Prophetic enactment. Here, we see this event is speaking of Creation and the Eagle Yes, we hear you loud and clear Abba, It is the days of the glory but is the time of Wisdom. (The eagle in the North Wind.) I tis a time of Gods presence and continued sense of awe and wonder to grow in Grace and Power Supernatural Events: 1. It is interesting to note that during this time Ezekiel had his first vision that inagurated him to be a prophet. Ezekiel 1:1 2. Heavens opened ---Matthew 3:16 3. Heavens opened again--Acts 7:56 4. Rev. 4:1 --Come up here The Prophet Samuel, was a north wind prophet. When this Prophet was ridiculed God sent the lightning and thunder against His enemies. At the same time Jesus showed His character as a North Wind Prophet when He overturned the tables. Yet, the Wind of God is blowing a healing wind to create the presence of God for His people. If you hear voices that are contrary to this wind--God is not in it. Understanding Gods breath and wind--is important to understanding His voice and how He is moving in the earth. Gods Wind has moved...and so have I... Be blessed ! During this time this wind will blow until April and then the East Wind will come.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:14:44 +0000

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