The secret came to light when lord Shanishchara who was tormented - TopicsExpress


The secret came to light when lord Shanishchara who was tormented by Ravana told the world that Ravana was performing a sinful ritual away from the gaze of the world. Besides, he informed the people that Ravana had circulated a number of books and almanacs carrying the diabolic messages which were being read and recited to others by the holy souls. He urged the people to find the source of those books and reach the place of the ritual, otherwise, he warned, they would be doomed. When rulers of different kingdoms came to know about this, they raised a huge army and attacked Ravana and captured him along with his brothers and sons. Vibhishana who was a deeply religious and honourable person, felt greatly embarrassed. So he raised the veil of secrecy from the sinful activity of his brother Ravana. Before that Lanka was not known to people. It was a hidden territory. This fact was mentioned in some ancient books. Ravana performed the sinful ritual in Lanka, where he along with his brothers, sons and other members of his family lived. Other members of his family including his brothers and sons too performed that ritual since they were simply following what Ravana, the head of the family did. After his diabolism had been dismantled by the people of the world, Hiranyakashipu came on the scene and resorted to the sinful practices as detailed of above. After Raja Bal, the banias are using the diabolic practice to corrupt the minds of the people who are not aware of it. All they know is that when earlier sin was exposed, the then rulers ordered demolition of temples of Jainism. This fact has been recorded in history. The icons in the temples were disfigured beyond recognition. The rulers ordered demolition of temples because they came to know that the saudagar-mahajans were indulging in diabolism. But this did not seem to deter them since they are continuing with their sinful activity as always. Nobody knows about their secret activity. But I know, because they have tormented me. I am making efforts to see that their devilry is put to an end. That is why I want you people the rulers and others- to get united and take steps to dismantle their diabolic game plan. Only then the future of your children will be safe. Earlier when their secret activity got exposed and they were captured, they prayed for forgiveness which was granted to them on their sworn assurance that they would never repeat it in future. Of course, they discontinued their sinful activity for two or three generations. But now they have resumed the evil practice thinking that nobody can ever know about their activity. They have not stopped performing their sinful ritual even after assuring the then rulers on oath not to repeat it in future. They will never discontinue their sins. So you should not trust them. If the rulers, whom they had assured, had known that they would betray them and would not honour their word, they would not have let them live. The rulers did not know what these unscrupulous people were up to. That they are not trustworthy is known to the whole world. I need hardly say it. But their secret activity is not known to the people because they have lost their intellectual faculty under the influence of the diabolism of these banias. You should therefore first get rid of that influence and take a decision to dismantle the network of their diabolism. That alone will ensure a peaceful for you and your children. They are doing what Ravana did long ago. Ravana set up a city in an island where he lived along with his sons and other members of his family. There he performed that mystical rite. He was living there with his children on purpose. He wanted them to see him perform that diabolic rite so that after him his offspring would continue to perform the ritual to harm the world. They continued to perform it till Shanishchara with the help of Vibhishana found out the secret and disclosed it to the whole world whereupon the people of the world took steps to dismantle it. But after Raja Bal the banias have set up a ‘heaven’ for this diabolic ritual somewhere in an island. There they have been performing this mystical ritual for cursing the world and its people. I am writing this book to give an account of what disaster they are causing to the world so that the king and rulers of the world should know about their misdeeds and punish the perpetrators of crime against humanity. The rulers of earlier times on being informed of the sinful activity of the saudagar-mahajans, captured them without losing time and thus put an and to their secret ritual. I could appeal to the rulers of the day to follow their ancestors and capture and punish the evildoers so that their diabolism is put to an end. Any laxity or inactivity on the part of the rulers of the day in this matter may cost the people of all the countries and very dear. They will be doomed. The activities of the saudagar-mahajans are no more limited to the Indian subcontinent. They have set out along with their young ones to spread their tentacles to other parts of the world. This sinful act is being performed at a secret place in an island. The banias indulging in diabolism there are in league with the banias of India. The Indian banias are financing the banias of that island in their sinful ventures. They, in fact, dictate their terms and their counterpart’s active in other lands simply obey the orders of their masters operating in India. Following the instructions of their Indian masters, they are performing diabolism day and night to harm the world. The Indian masters know the place where their followers are performing the sinful ritual. So these banias should be dealt with firmly and subjected to intense interrogation. Then they will break down and tell the details about their place of operation. Once that place is discovered, it should be destroyed completely and their sinful activity rooted out. If this can be achieved, the good old days will return to the people of the world. Even the poor will live a comfortable life as was the case in the golden age. Earlier, I too was unaware of their web of activities. I came to know about it out when they tormented me by their diabolic power. They intend to destroy the entire young generation of the world. The concern for the well- being of the people of the world and the generations to come has impelled me to take it upon myself to keep you informed of the sinister designs of these people. It is due to their diabolism that people are dying at a very young age. I do not want the catastrophe to befall our young generation. That’s why I have girded up my loins to expose them. If there is something in this books which you, the rulers and common citizens of the world, can’t understand, or my followers are not able to explain things to your satisfaction, you can send for me. I will come to you and explain in quite detail as to how and to what extent these saudagars have been executing the Indrajal and how as a result of this people have lost their sense of judgement. The diabolism was practiced for the first time by the demon king Ravana and subsequently by king Hiranyakashipu and Karun. Vibhishana did not want the world to be harmed by the diabolism and so he took a pledge that he would not under any circumstances allow this practice to continue. He was firm in his resolve. He did not allow Ravana to perform the sinful ritual any more. He had taken a vow to stop this practice for ever and that’s why he made the secret known to the world. All of us know that it was Vibhishana whose resolute efforts put an end to Ravana’s sin. However, after Raja Bal, the saudagar-mahajans started practicing the Indrajal – the art of black magic. A number of people belonging to this community were in fact caught red-handed and were punished for practicing occultism. Many a time they appealed for mercy promising the rulers under oath that they would stop it forthwith. They swore in the name of their faith and also of the cow and the pig. On being caught and fearing extreme punishment the saudagar-mahajans stopped, albeit temporarily, their devilish ritual on the mystical eighty four lakh Kundis. But how long could they resist their natural proclivity of committing such acts of profanity? The evil minded people waited for a generation or two and then came back to their old ‘trade’. Since then they have been performing the black ritual non-stop to cause ruination to the world at large. The rulers of the day are hardly aware of their nefarious deeds. They have not bothered to find out what is happening and why it is happening so. As for me, I have only now come to know about their secret designs. Unless they are subjected to torture and intense interrogation they are not going to reveal what actually they are doing. I have told you about their devilish activities and now it is for you – the people of the world, to do everything you can to get rid of the sins being committed by these banias. Then alone, peace and prosperity will return to the world. They should also be asked to explain why they have been creating fear in the minds of the people of the world by spreading myths about the swarga (heaven) and the Naraka (hell) and the Yamaraj – the God of death, tortures human beings and other creatures on the eighty four lakh Kundis at the place of torment. Dear brethren, heaven and hell do not exist somewhere else. If at all they exist, they are on this Earth. This myth of heaven and hell is the creation of the devilish mind of the banias. Just ask them sternly where their heaven and hell, which they call as the swarga and Naraka and also dozakh and bhisht, are situated. In fact, the secret place where they performing the demoniac ritual, is the land of their hell which they describe as a place where there are pits filled with blood and pus and red-hot iron pillars. They have been telling people that those who commit sins are sent to the hell where they are tied to the red-hot pillars. This falsehood is part of their game plan. It is mother Earth where both heaven and hell exist and not somewhere beyond the sky. People who repeat this myth are not to blame because they have been saying what they have heard. So you, the rulers, must interrogate these saudagars, and even torture them to find from them the location of the ‘hell’ that they have set up. Tell them that it is their diabolism which has robbed the people of the world of their sense of judgement. They must told that Ravana was doing the same thing. He too had captured people brains by his demoniac power and so they were unable to think. He too created confusion among the people who believed in the myth of heaven and hell created by him. And now they (the banias) have corrupted the intellect of the people at large, who are readily accepting the myths about heaven and hell. The fact remains that both hell and heaven exist on Earth. The Hindus, the Muslims and others read some books with great reverence and faith. In fact these books, spreading myths, are the product of these banias. You must tell them that thus far you were not aware of the reality but now Sadhu Anoop Das has told you the secret because he is concerned about the well-being of you and your coming generations. Tell them that you have Come to know that they are performing their sinful rite in an island and that they will have to show you the place of their sins, otherwise they along with other members of their family will be put to death. The saudagars are very hardened sinners. Unless they are subjected to excruciating torture by the people of the world, they will never desist from their nefarious activities. The Indian banias are operating in league with those performing the sinful rite and thus they have set up a whole network of their diabolism. You, the people of the world, should therefore coordinate your efforts with grit and determination to break this network without losing a moment. If you succeed the world will live in peace. These saudagar-mahajans have shifted their secret operation from Delhi Mandal to an unknown island. Like Ravana, they are performing the demoniac rite in that island day and night to curse the world. The place of their operation has been kept a secret and is known to them and no one else. After Raja Bal these banias along with the members of their clan have been performing this sinful rite. They are doing exactly what Ravana did in Lanka secretly. The place of their secret ritual is not known to anybody be it a king, or a Sadhu-faqir or for that matter any ordinary mortal living in any part of the world. Nor do the Britishers have any idea about their secret operation. They have set up their ‘business’ establishments all over the world. At different places they act in a variety of personae – a faqir, a destitute, and even a rich man. Thus they keep their identity closely guarded and move from place to place, from one country to another to spread their web of diabolism, just as Ravana did. They would not let anybody get wind of their secret operation. But you must understand it fully well that they are spreading their area of operation in order to harm the maximum number of people. They have exercised their diabolic power to fuddle the intellect of all men and women so that nobody could understand their secret game. They have been able to keep the venue of their diabolic operation a closely guarded secret. They have enlisted other member of their families and people related to them in their activities. Ravana had also engaged other member of his family in his sinful act. After Raja Bal, these saudagar-mahajans have been bringing disaster to the world by their secret activity. They have moved from the mainland of India to some unknown island along with their children and relatives. Like people of other communities in different parts of the world, they are engaged in agriculture and other professions. Their children are learning different trades to earn money, just as people of other communities are doing. Along with other usual professions, their children are learning the art of black magic from their parents. This diabolic knowledge is being passed on from one generation to another. These mahajans have moved to an undisclosed destination along with their children and other members of their families so that they could indulge in their sinful practice undisturbed and away from the gaze of the world. They want their children, the coming generation to see them work on their secret operation and thereby learn the trick of the trade so that after they have passed away, their children and grand children will keep their traditional ‘trade’ going. The diabolism, which they are practicing, is not a simple thing to learn. It is very complicated process which can be learnt by constantly watching and practicing, which they want their children to do. Besides, the banias in India are giving financial support to those operating in several other parts of the world. Ravana had sent his children and other member of his family to Lanka and asked them to perform the secret rite there. As instructed by Ravana, the other members of his family practiced diabolism in Lanka and as a result the king and other citizens of the world has lost their thinking power. Similarly, the banias have dispatched their children and grand children to some unknown island where they are performing the sinful ritual to harm the world. Ravana chose Shanishchara to torment because he found the latter a poor person. Shanishchara was a great devotee of God. He thought that being a devotee of God he should have been endowed with the light of knowledge. But strangely he was finding his vision to be clouded by the influence of diabolism. And so he decided to find the source of the diabolism. It was all due to diabolism that even young children were dying. Thinking this, he approached Vibhishana who told him, about the Ravana’s sin. When Shanishchara told the people of the world about it they got united and dismantled Ravana’s network. Vibhishana disclosed the secret of his brother’s sin and apologized to the world. He swore in the name of his religion that he would never allow the diabolic practice to continue in his clan. True of his word Vibhishana put an end to the diabolic ritual which being performed in his clan. That’s why he along with his children and all other members of his family lived a happy and peaceful life. Even today everybody remembers him with great reverence. People have respect for him because he disclosed his own brother’s sins to the world through Shanishchara. His brother Ravana was secretly performing the diabolic rite on the eighty four lakh Kundis. Nobody knew about it till he tormented Shanishchara by his diabolism. Even Shanishchara was totally ignorant of this mystical ritual. He came to know about it only when Ravana used his diabolism against him and harassed and hounded him. Books, almanacs and other texts of demoniac science were circulated by Ravana. These books etc. gave an ominous account of the torture and punishment one has to undergo in the hell equipped with eighty four lakh Kundis. Having suffered at the hand of Ravana, Shanishchara became aware of his secret and sinful activity. Ravana injected into the psyche of Shanishchara some ‘dreams’. He realized that Ravana would not let people know the mystery as well as the venue of his sinful ritual. He would rather confuse them. The saintly people of that age didn’t know anything about the diabolism of Ravana, because they had lost their sense of judgement under the influence of Ravana’s diabolic power. When the people of the world joined hands and launched an attack on Ravana, Vibhishana, and his brother abandoned the company of his brother. Shanishchara asked Ravana why he was torturing both mankind and other creatures numbering eighty four lakh. Ravana denied the charge. Not convinced by Ravana’s reply, Shanishchara threatened that he would get Ravana and his children killed if he did not come out with the truth. But Ravana was adamant. Thereupon lord Shanishchara approached Lord Ramachandra and told him that Ravana was performing diabolic ritual on eighty four lakh Kundis to curse the world and its rulers. The ignorant people called it the swarga (heaven). He further told him that the place where eighty four lakh Kundis were located was not the swarga and that he performed the sinful rite on those eighty four lakh Kundis. He then requested Rama to closely question Ravana and only then something could be thought of to dismantle his sin. He informed him that the book etc. giving detailed account of the place with eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus and telling their readers that Yama punished human being and other creatures on these Kundis, are the product of Ravana, but people treated these books etc. as truly religious texts. He added that those books etc. were read by the kings and the common people alike. When at his behest, they re-read those books closely and found the truth about the eighty four lakh Kundis; they realized that they were totally in the dark and that they had treated the place of Ravana’s demonic ritual as a holy shrine. They also realized that it was not the law of the Almighty but the doing of Ravana. Having heard this from Shanishchara, Lord Rama felt pain and anguish in his heart.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 08:31:38 +0000

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