The senseless Communist hysteria that has grown with each passing - TopicsExpress


The senseless Communist hysteria that has grown with each passing year of the Obama administration in this country combined with the events in the region in question over the last 4 months, take on a much more sinister application when this intelligence REPORT FROM 2009....YES 2009 is read and fully are a couple of snips out of this lengthy read, I intent to follow up this up, please read this one AND DO NOT keep it to yourself, take care all...These SNIPS are only the Tip of what this file contains you Truth Seekers. SNIP... This is an updated and expanded version of the original article in Russian, published in 4 (2009) under the title “Kto gotovit pokushenie na Prezidenta SshA?” SNIP... Our monitoring of the public statements made in recent months by FarWest LLC vice-presidents Generals Vladimir Filin, Ruslan Saidov and the board member Rt. Colonel Anton Surikov--principal liaison of the group with right-wing circles in Washington—betray more that the aggressive Obamophobia of this group. In particular, Surikov/s recent anti-Obama statements give reasons for concern. Here are some quotes. “There are some serious people in the new Administration: the Vice-President Biden and the defense minister Gates. Presently they are not in the limelight but, I think, in two years or so they will come out of the shadow into the forefront and Biden will become the President.” “In this world crisis situation, Obama was meant to take the responsibility for some kind of extraordinary stint on a global scale... Following this he will be removed as an expendable intelligence asset.” Surikovs statement about Biden and Gates suggests a military coup or some sort of anti-constitutional conspiracy in the United States with the goal of “removing” President Obama. In his recent “interview” with Natalia Roeva, Surikov identified Obama as American Gorbachev bent on the destruction of his country because of his religious mentors, “famous Negro racists Michael Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright, had brainwashed Obama with irrational hatred of America.” This statement was followed by this exchange: Roeva: - How is it possible to eliminate (ustranit) Obama before 2012? Surikov: - Oh, there are many ways. Leave this for Americans to choose. Mechanisms for removing (otstranit)[the President] do exist, as well as precedents SNIP... The so-called “Bagram Department” of Saidovs intelligence service operates from the US Bagram Air Force base in Afghanistan. By coincidence or not, the private military company KBR (formerly KBR Halliburton) – co-owner of Far West LLC with 13 percent of voting shares—has a big contract with this base. Could it be that Saidovs agents work under the cover provided by the KBR Bagram contractor? According to our sources in Germany, the Bagram group conducts “direct action” operations against the suspected intelligence assets of Germany, France, Russia, and China in Afghanistan and Waziristan. Saidov and his partners are worried that the US focus on Afghanistan and Waziristan distracts them from organizing a new Drang nach Osten with the goal of dismembering Russia. SNIP... This is an example of FarWests nuclear blackmail of Europe and the United States – another major thread in the subversive activities of this syndicate. The rogue intelligence services and operatives, who use Far West LLC as their commercial front, have been involved in the nuclear consortium between Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and China. Their activities included the smuggling of nuclear materials and technologies to these countries from Ukraine and Russia and the smuggling of KH-55 (Kent) cruise missiles to Iran and China in 2000-2001. According to a recent article in Australian press, this sale included four nuclear warheads 200 kiloton each. The vice-president of Far West LLC Ukrainian General Vladimir Filin was even nicknamed “the Radioactive Filin” for his advocacy of re-nuclearizing Ukraine. It is believed that rogue elements in the Soviet General Staff were able to hide an unknown number of nuclear devices during the break up of the Soviet Union SNIP... FarWest thrives on confrontation between the United States and Russia. Ukrainian secret services--reckless, violent and uncontrolled as they are, with the leadership ideologically committed to the Banderite vision of the Greater Ukraine--would like to use the United States as a big and stupid troll against Russia in hope to profit from the spoils of war like the hyenas rather that the pan-Turkist wolves on FarWests blog logo. SNIP... Afghanistan and Pakistan will be turned into examples of Obamas failure to fight international terrorism. At the same time, Afghanistan territory will be used to destabilize Central Asia and increase pressure against Russia and China. Mullo Abdullos raid into Tajikistan is a test of this mechanism. xiv Since the fall of 2008 at the latest, Saidov and Prince Rasheed concentrate on Afghanistan. They have been going back and forth between Kabul, Islamabad, Quetta, and El-Riyadh, meeting with Turki al-Faisal, Karzai, Nawaz Sharif and Mullah Omar. Their goal is to have an agreement between the United States and the Taliban through the mediation of the Saudis and Pakistanis. The Intelligence Cabal no longer needs Karzai. He has become a liability and has to go. But if Karzai makes a deal with the old anti-Taliban and anti-US warlords like Ismail Khan, Rashid Dostum, and Karim Khalili this can create a lot of problems for the Nato forces and the Cabal, making it impossible to use Afghanistan for de-stabilizing the Central Asia, China, and Russia. SNIP... To give the latest example, their recent celebration of Theodore Oberländer and the World Anti-Communist League is meant to be a message that FarWest had behind them the right-wing and post-Nazi elements in the U.S. foreign policy establishment. It is also the way to amplify and say openly what their partners in the West cannot. They are also yearning for the Reagan-Bush “Bitburg” years-- when the Republican “ethnic outreach” program gave much visibility to Ukrainian, Belorussian, Baltic and other fascists. This is their model for the post-Obama America. Also, the rehabilitation of moderate Nazis like Oberländer and Canaris is important for their base support in Ukraine, Belorussia, the Caucasus, the Baltics and elsewhere in the former Soviet Union where Hitler had found ethnic collaborators. Again, they mimic the strategy of the Reagan -Bush administration and its Republican ethnic outreach to mobilize the old Nazi collaborators and their heirs against the Soviet Union under the slogan of national liberation. Hence the importance of Oberländer and Canaris who in 1943 advocated more reliance on anti-Soviet and anti-Russian ethnic elements after it had become clear that Germany could not win the war in the East. SNIP... If they decide that Timoshenko cannot be trusted to follow their agenda they will go for a fascist coup under populist slogans of fighting corruption, oligarchs, and the traitors of the Ukrainian nation. Filin openly writes about their plans to eliminate pro-Russian politicians and intelligentsia in Ukraine. And he does so while meeting with Vice-President Biden in the White House and conferencing with the defense minister Gates and Fritz Ermarth. This is very serious and very dangerous not only for the Ukrainians and Russians but for the American people as well. They also blackmail the US and Europe by threatening to exit the Budapest agreements under which Ukraine had renounced her nuclear status. Or they can opt for doing this de-facto, like Israel. In any case, they have nuclear devices already, most likely stored in Pakistan or even in Ukraine, and knowing the mentality of Ukrainian fascists one cannot rule out anything. netteandme.blogspot/2014/05/obama-and-intelligence-cabal-and.html
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 06:08:04 +0000

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