The unfortunate but crystalline reality of Afghanistan’s future - TopicsExpress


The unfortunate but crystalline reality of Afghanistan’s future is that it hinges on the decisions made by Pakistani generals The sincere amongst Pakistani generals must know that there is no double game they can play which will work except playing straight and uniting this region under Khilafah-implementing Islamic systems. The only solution to US backed Indian terrorism in Baluchistan, Raymond Davis network terrorism, sectarianism and Indian aggression and occupation of the Muslim land is to establish the Khilafah. Unity under Islamic Khilafah will mobilise the Muslims of the whole region from central Asia to throughout India and Bangladesh. This will lead to the collapse of the defunct Indian secular Hindu State and the farce of puppet dictators across the region like a house of cards creating a domino effect to be replaced by Khilafah. Hizb ut Tahrir has outlined in various policies issued solution to the above problems that Islam has easily solved many times before throughout its implementation under the Khilafah for over 1300 years. MILITARY POLICY: Raising an armed forces for an Islamic superpower D1. A Khaleefah who as the political and military leadership will orientate the armed forces to fulfil their role in protecting the Ummah from the hostile non-Muslim states, unifying all Muslim states as a single state and carrying Islam to all of humankind. D2. Ending all technological dependency on hostile states, by establishing a programme of rapid industrialization for attaining military superiority, supported by a superior economic system which provides huge revenues for all of the duties obliged upon the Khilafah state. D3. Ending all training dependency on hostile states, by instituting local military training and Islamic awareness programmes for the armed forces. Cutting all contact with the officials of hostile states and all resultant relationships such as foreign military training, intelligence sharing and military to military contact. AGAINST INDIAN AGGRESSION POLICY: The return of Islams dominance over the Indian Subcontinent D1. Closing the supply line to NATO forces in Afghanistan, which is the basis for India increasing its strategic depth. Expelling all American and Indian officials and diplomatic missions from its territories. Ending all energy and trade relations with India and America. D2. Delivering messages to all Muslim countries for the unification of Muslim Lands as a single Islamic State, in particular to their armed forces to support the people in overthrowing the agent regimes, including Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan. Issuing a general call to the Muslim armed forces that the solution to Kashmir and Afghanistan are their liberation and annexation to the rest of the Muslim Lands. D3. Inciting all non-belligerent states of the region to cut off the opportunities for Hindu and American mischief and offer favourable relations and incentives with the Muslims. Initiate a regional media campaign about what the Khilafah has to offer for its citizens, irrespective of race, gender, religion or school of thought. REMOVING SECTARIANISM POLICY: Raising Karachi and other regions to its full potential D1. The comprehensive implementation of Islam which is what is common to all Muslims, will bring harmony amongst the people and allow Karachi to flourish under Islam, freed from ethnic rivalry and neglect. The Khilafah will look after the affairs of all the people, throughout the country, without discrimination according to their race, religion, school of thought or gender. D2. Political parties will be allowed as long as they adhere to Islam and thus do not sow the seeds of tension on lines of ethnicity. Their members will not be in contact with foreign diplomats and the diplomatic missions of hostile countries will be closed. BALUCHISTAN POLICY: Raising Baluchistan to its rightful position D1. Earning the loyalty of all Muslims of its territories through the implementation of their dearest possession, the Islamic belief. Earning the loyalty of non-Muslims through securing their rights by Islam. D2. Removing the presence of the real internal threat to the country, the American presence. D3. Generating huge revenues for development of all regions by preventing private ownership of Pakistans abundant energy and mineral resources, which allows the people to use its public property through the use of it as is; for example (petrol for their cars) or through other services.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 09:44:31 +0000

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