#TheTruthTueday - Seriously. . . It was Him not me (Part - TopicsExpress


#TheTruthTueday - Seriously. . . It was Him not me (Part 2) SOOO, this is how cool God is. Since the last time I wrote(while reading Genesis), Id been moved to jump over to Hebrews(heard lots of sermons on that book recently and it just sort of captured my attention). Well, heres where it gets interesting. I end up at Hebrews ch6 & ch7, to find it referencing the Genesis 14 v21-22 I referred to in the last email, and was totally locked in. In Hebrews, the notion of living under Gods blessing and allowing his works to manifest in your life, not yours, is explored even deeper: In Ch. 6v13-20, its explained that Jesus has been given the commission of priesthood under the order of Melchizedek. Thats the dude in Genesis who came to Abram and told him he was blessed after he won the battle. Later in Ch. 7, Melchizedeks priesthood is compared to the priesthood of Aaron(Moses brother who was responsible for enforcing the law of the 10 Commandments). So heres the connection, when Melchizedek proclaimed that Abram was blessed, it had nothing to do with whether Abram obeyed the law or not(bc the 10 commandments didnt even exist yet), but had everything to do with the Grace of God. His promise to Abram was to be blessed forever..despite his works or lack there of. In these two chapters of Hebrews, its explained that Jesus came after the law was instituted(10 commandments) to revert back to the type of agreement that God had with Abram(illustrated by the way Melchizedek operated as priest). Jesus, like Mel, is not here to enforce a law but instead intercede as our priest to ensure we only receive Gods blessings not curses. You see, under the old covenant or old promise or old testament if we broke a commandment, wed need to sacrifice something(usually through a priest like Aaron) to seek Gods forgiveness and favor. Under the new covenant or new promise or new testament the sacrifice has already been made...you do remember Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins(former and future), right? Jesus, as our priest, doesnt need to make a sacrifice on our behalf when we screw up bc he already made the ultimate sacrifice of his own life...therefore, like Mel he simply reminds us that we are blessed when we win, like Abram did after his battle. AND the only action required by us(unlike if Aaron were our priest and we were under the law), is to say thank you--no burnt offerings, no sacrifices...just Thanks God...preciate ya. Abram said thank you by 1) not taking the spoils from the King of Sodom in order to make it ABUNDANTLY clear that God was responsible for it all & 2) he tithed 10% I know its a lot of info..Ive actually been studying it for a few weeks now. Only this evening did I feel like I had a enough clarity on it to share. It just comes back to my firm believe that under the new covenant with Jesus, we are simply commanded to live in Love, believing that he has died for our sins and only seeks to prosper us...not punish us. Anything that we may see in our daily lives, no matter how tough, is a means of God to grow us. He has no need to chastise us or curse us...he knew what we were gonna do before we did it and already paid for that sin. It is finished- Jesus Christ(said on the cross). We are simply called to live like Abram...he made mistakes, he lied at times, but he was FAITHFUL. He truly believed that God would always do what he promised to do, and was willing to face tough circumstances, like his battle in Sodom with servants as his army, bc he KNEW God had he back. He KNEW that favor was his for the taking, not something he needed to earn through works. He lived in his blessing simply bc God said it was available, not because he deserved it. He took Lot with him even after God said to go alone, and God STILL looked after him and rewarded him with treasures and multitudes of children(generations and generations lined up to benefit from his faithfulness in God). Hope this one wasnt too longwinded for you, but this is pretty dope stuff. God just wants us to live and be happy...not toil, sweat, or worry. Hes got this. Trust him and listen to his voice within trying to share with you your purpose. When you get a hold of your purpose and live within it...there are no limits to your life. God makes things easy for you bc youre moving where hes always wanted you to move and others see you...which just makes him beam like a proud papa. Love you guys..and thanks for listening to me learn :-) -Ashley
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:50:49 +0000

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