There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm. - TopicsExpress


There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm. Will Cather. I believe that I possess an above average knowledge of psychology and have been fascinated with what I term the Nigerian Psychology, that psychology has many branches, from the ethnic, to the religious, from the political to the apolitical, it has different shades, but of all the phases of it all, one that never ceases to amaze me is the psychology of the poor in Nigeria...a poor Nigerian has never asked for anything other than the basics, food, shelter, he even careless about clothing, somehow and combination of two out of three is okay. He is fast to say Lafiya, we thank God even in a thankless situation...but is that all about to change. The Nigerian Police, from Inspectors have sounded a warning to go on strike, Judiciary workers at State levels are on strike, Doctors just resumed after weeks of strike, teachers, nurses, labourers, everyone that can strike has struck in the last eight years...simple, all that these Nigerians have asked for is their right to no avail. The General elections are approaching fast, the drama is unfolding rapidly, we are ending this dispensation with scandals left, right and center. Nobody wants to be accountable, we are so engrossed with blaming x, y, z that we have not be able to sit and access the situation that we find ourselves in. As a nation and people we have not come out with a SWOT analysis of the last eight years and this is so because we simply do not care, even when it seems that we care, we care less. The good news I have for us is that there are people out there that really care, they may not be talking, they may be silent, but that in itself is the danger. They are quiet but deep down they are grumbling and are planning what to them is a solution to the mess our leaders have brought this nation to. There is a storm in the air, positive as a lot of us may want to sound, we can hide but we cannot run. On my desk is a Press release from the PHCN saying that there will be load shedding, in English, electricity will be shared in Jos...from the timetable I am not expected to have electricity for six days at a stretch around my office, while another six days I wont have it at home either. Well I cared less because after all I have barely had it this year, what difference does it make. Sadly it makes a difference, a looming crisis, despite the change of name, the billions sunk in, and outrageous bills that they keep bringing we do not get day will be one day the monkey that went to the market will not return. In one neighbourhood here in Jos, after bills were shared, the community gathered the bills and sent same back to the power company. I am not preaching a revolution, but let it be on record that we were warned, that Sam, Tilde, Reuben, Ndibe and many more warned us of the impending doom. Over the months we have watched the movie titled PTDF it produced two Grammies for two thieves and mentions for many upcoming actors, we are told that both men could face a minimum of three years but the silent majority know that these men will not spend three days in jail. Nigerians are angry, forget the smile, it is all deceit. Parents cannot pay school fees, hospital bills cannot be afforded even the hospitals are not there. Nigerians are living a very mean life, cooking oil popularly referred to as kerosene is more expensive than car spirit even at official price, sadly where do you get the product at official price. We are all living a life of promise, politicians riding us as camel, promising to build bridges where there are no rivers and taking our bald fathers to the saloon for a haircut. Our failed leaders do not owe us an apology because they literally own us. We have no say; they treat us at their whims and caprices, and even through their actions and inaction provide us with comic relief. The National Assembly may have done considerably well especially lately but because they care less they have gone on recess when we needed them most. All these as a result of no one talking. In many parts civil servants are being owed months in salaries, private firms treating their workers in styles reminiscent of the abolished slave trade. Todays leaders have refused to learn in the calmness of now, unfortunately a storm is brewing. In most States now Governors are cleaning up their loot, giving car gifts to everyone and anyone that cares to soil his/her hands with blood money. From traditional rulers, labour comrades to Union officials, accountants are busy cooking books, but nobody has thought about the ordinary Nigerian that cannot afford roasted corn and coconut. On a scale of happy and sad...Nigerians are on a permanent frustrate, living a life of barely survival, subsistent living, less than a dollar a day and living expenses stand at about $8 a day, how we cope with transport, feeding, contingencies are nothing short of magic, but for how long...Universities along side graduates now produce robbers, churches and mosques are manned by con-men, we have become vulnerable elements. Take a sample survey and you will be shocked at the results, Nigerians may be naive, docile but interestingly they are not ignorant, they know the thieves, they know those men and these days women too that have crippled them economically. They know that neighbour that was riding an old battered Volvo that went to the State House of Assembly that has six cars now. This is why a lot of us have advocated that the militants rather than court foreign and international sentiment which they are not likely to get by kidnapping albinos, they should start kidnapping government officials, governors that have raped them mentally, economically and otherwise. A lot of commentators are out there taking stands, off course no one can be totally neutral, but how many have thought of the people, the real people. If Obj thought of us he would not have diverted PTDF money into manufacturing guns comically named after him, OBJ 006...What slap on our face, we are not at war, Benin-Onitsha Expressway is in shambles and millions are spent in manufacturing guns. Any project meant for the masses is treated as a “no money” matter but when it has to do with the insatiable ego of our toy leaders, money comes out. If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. In Nigeria today injustice has become justice, crime a virtue, roguery a skill, despite the best of efforts of the EFCC it has been riddled by inconsistencies, though it was and is still worth the try. Between two crooks, Obj and Atiku, one is the oppressor and the other the oppressed. Painfully all that this government has done, it says that it was done for our good, yet we do not see the good and this makes the words of C.S Lewis most apt, he said Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. Obasanjo and co. have the approval of their conscience when they kill the public school system and allow for the growth of all sorts of nonsense in the name of private schools, they have the approval of their hearts when they go from Germany, London and Saudi for treatment, and we watch as the India, Singapore, Malaysia turn their health system into state of the art. They have approval to treat us anyhow, most times with our permission but those days will soon be over, the poor will soon take revenge, we pray that it is done in palace manner if not, anarchy looms that day, because the poor know where they live, how they live, and will strike without sympathy. It is better to die for an idea that will live, than to live for an idea that will die. The day of reckoning is around, Nigerians will seek out revenge, there will be something worth dying for sooner than expected, it may even be the forthcoming elections, and it may not. In 2003 we anticipated rage, protest, fighting over the abuse of our rights, but it was not to be so as we watched the PDP rig away, that PDP had Atiku, Ogbeh, it had all that that say they are with us now. We are watching to see how they will take to being at the receiving end. What is good for the goose they say is good for the gander. May the Almighty Allah help us.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:20:14 +0000

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