There have been many ideas and theories going around about Caleb - TopicsExpress


There have been many ideas and theories going around about Caleb Rivers. Is he on the A team, is he good or bad, whose side is he really on and are his feelings for Hanna genuine and why is he going to Ravenswood? Well, I’m going to drop something on you all. What if… Caleb Rivers is undercover for the state police. I know, I know…what? WhAt?!!! Yup, I think he may be investigating the whole A/Ali thing. Let’s look at this from a whole new angle: He comes to town the shady new guy that can “upgrade" your phone. Great. That just gives him access to pretty much any high school student’s phone in Rosewood. Kids don’t want to talk to cops, but hey would have no problem handing over their phones to someone they think is doing them a favor or service. He is snooping for Jenna. Yup, and if he thinks she could be A or part of what he is there to investigate, then he would want her to believe he was trying to help her and would get him answers then all the better. 214 is Caleb’s Locker combo. Jenna has it to put the flash drive in his locker. in 2x23 A Ender, we see A putting a badge on the lawn that says “Rosewood Police Officer 0214". What better way to remember your locker combo when undercover than to use your badge number? He is a foster kid. This may or may not be true but either way, what a great background-it’s hard to check, his mother is conveniently on the other side of the US so it gives him an easy place to disappear to if he has to say, meet up with his partner or do other police business. He conveniently has no where to live and seems to sucker his way into Hanna’s house, and yes, he said it was to help Jenna but this could be a cover. If he is living in Hanna’s house he can investigate the girls and Ashley. We never meet his foster parents. Remember the PI following him in season 2? He has a Rosewood Police File on Caleb, but Caleb has never been arrested, let alone in Rosewood. Why would there be a police file for him in Rosewood (Unless he is working for them). Then Hanna reams out the PI for Harassing Caleb. The next episode we see him talking to Caleb and giving him his number to reach him at and tells Caleb good luck. Hanna asks what was that about and Caleb says it is a PI hired by his birth mom to find him. Wouldn’t the PI just give Caleb his mom’s number instead of his own? Couldn’t it be that the PI is actually Caleb’s partner and Hanna just outed him so now he has to leave? Then later that episode Caleb is off to Cali to meet his mom (right after he told Hanna he wouldn’t be leaving again anytime soon). Hmm, police business because,well, you need a new partner, huh rookie? Let’s remember when his ma gets targeted by A. The car in the text is not the same car he came back with. What if it was all a set up to see what he could find out by reactions from the girls. Caleb has a gun when goes to the lighthouse. Where did he get it? If it isn’t his legal issued gun, then why isn’t he brought up on charges for having it? Emily could lie and say it was Nate’s, but Caleb’s prints are all over the gun. Why does nothing come of this, especially after Hanna makes such a big deal out of it and the fact that he was shot with it? If he is undercover, no one would mention his gun again because they wouldn’t want to blow his cover. Of recent episodes, pay attention to how he talks to Hanna’s dad about what is going on with Ashley. It sounds like a direct line of questioning. Watch the interaction with Caleb and Detective Tanner when she and Hanna area talking outside of The Brew. Oh the looks they give each other as he gets Hanna out of there. Seems to me they know each other. Caleb out and out says to Hanna when he sees her talking to Det. Tanner “You’re use to dealing with Rosewood’s finest. She is the real deal. Believe me, I know the difference." He makes all sorts of remarks like this throughout this season. He is leaving Rosewood to go to Ravenswood. I read that Hanna is ok with it and tells him to go. Maybe his undercover work is taking him there. Other than his family, I can’t think of a better reason for him to leave. ~PLLforever
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 06:58:11 +0000

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