There is NO such title as a FIRST LADY when it comes to the Word - TopicsExpress


There is NO such title as a FIRST LADY when it comes to the Word of God. This fabricated title has invaded Black church culture. I can remember as a child, Black pastors always enjoy certain privilege in the Black community. He has a nice parking space at the church, drives a nice vehicle (used to be a Cadillac), gets fed well. Have the nicest house but all those terms, “elder,” “overseer,” and “pastor” were functional terms, and were never intended to serve as formal titles. JESUS said in Matthew 23:8, But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you will be your servant. Titles elevate church leaders to a plane above others within the Body. Those in the pew and pastors alike are responsible for creating the current “Christian guruism” that is rampant in the Church today where religious leaders are recast into spiritual celebrities and lauded with fan club status And now enter the FIRST LADY ! Because of the ROYAL treatment of the black pastor, many of their wives benefit from fact that they are married to the shepherd of the church. Reserved seating is a no brainer. In some instances, she sits in the pulpit with her husband, while in other instances she is front and center in the pews. Depending on your context, an oversized hat may be involved. John C. Richards Jr. said, part of the reason we have so many problems in the black church is because we coveted titles. We have create our own structures, slapping titles on folks that don’t exhibit the accompanying fruit. In most reality we go to churches and worship our leadership weekly—including the FIRST LADY. There is much discomfort in the church now concerning the FIRST LADY, from waiting on her hands and foot, purchasing her a mink coat, taking care of “Her” children while attending service, and a attitude that’s out of this world with her thinking shes above and beyond all the other ladies...Sadly like the nation of ISRAEL, we have now created our own IDOLS !
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 13:56:11 +0000

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