There is a mistaken idea that anarchists do not believe in - TopicsExpress


There is a mistaken idea that anarchists do not believe in organisation. Though it is true that some extreme individualists do reject organisation, the majority of anarchists see the need of both organisations for the revolutionary process and for the post-anarchist society. The extreme individualists idea that somehow the people will rise up spontaneously, as individuals without organisation, and do away with the State, is utterly absurd. This is a case of peoples fantasies overtaking all sense of reality. Some extreme individualists place their hopes for anarchy upon the idea that the State will collapse someday. While such a collapse may in time take place, but without anarchist alternatives in place the people would go through great suffering and out of such crisis a new authoritarian system would arise. Most anarchists advocate a horizontal form of federation organisation. This starts off with anarchist groups joining together in local federation, then regional federation and all the way to international federation. Each federation is based upon the common needs of those that make up the federation. This is not to say that such a form must be built in the beginning, for it maybe found that in some areas a regional federation is organised before the local federation because the local groups maybe spread out widely in a region and thus a regional federation is built first to give collective aid in order to build up the local areas in order to organise the local federation. Thus, anarchist federationism is flexible enough to be built upon needs rather than rigid ideology. Anarchism will not come about just because we wish to dream it into existence. It will take deeper revolutionary acts of education, organisation and action. Though most anarchists seek to organise around all human and environmental needs, the forms of those organisations would bring in people who are not specifically educated anarchists. Thus, anarchists have found the need to organise specific ideological anarchist federations in order to pursue anarchist strategies throughout the many social struggles. Also, in times of repression there is the need of collective defence of both anarchists and the general social struggle.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:32:36 +0000

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