There is a very real battle raging in a spiritual realm that - TopicsExpress


There is a very real battle raging in a spiritual realm that cannot be seen with physical eyes. Who is fighting this battle, and why? There is a Creator, Who knew each of us before we were formed in our mothers womb. His love and His Truth is what gives us life. There is an enemy, a liar and thief, who recognizes that the life our Creator gives is of unfathomable value - this enemy does all he can to steal, kill, and destroy each and every human life, which our Creator treasures so intensely that He poured out His very own blood to purchase us back from the thief. We have two choices: believe the Truth, or live in deception... this decision makes us either participants or casualties in this war; because, you see, the war is either won or lost when our mind is convinced. We must ask ourselves daily, Will I believe the Truth, or the lie? Ephesians 6:12 tells us that our struggle is not a physical battle, but against spiritual forces, and Romans 12:2a reads, Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... Ephesians 1: 11 (MSG) Its in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Our life is the prize: In Christ, we give our life to Him, and in return He gives us eternal life - but the deceiver takes our life and offers us nothing but death. We must be on our knees - Im speaking to myself - praying for the Truth to drive out any sign of deception, any worldly patterns of behavior. Why did Christ pour out His blood? Because His blood IS LIFE. Thats what this battle is about: the value of human life. And when we accept His blood, His eternal life flows through our own veins. He died once and for all - death could not keep Him because He is eternal, which is what He offers to us also. Accept His life-giving blood, allowing Him to live in you. Ask Him to cover you with His blood, because the enemy cannot penetrate that covering! Christ gave us an example of the power of His blood in the Word, where we read about the angel of death passing through Egypt - but it could not enter the homes of those who believed in God and covered the doorposts of their homes with the blood. Cover yourself, and take authority to cover those in your household with the blood which gives eternal life. The enemy cannot take our lives when we are covered by the blood. My grandma Betty used to say, As long as theres life, theres hope. So true. This battle is about life. I love this song... youtube/watch?v=0lt4aWWgKy4
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:13:27 +0000

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