There is no word for a jerk like our current Administration and - TopicsExpress


There is no word for a jerk like our current Administration and spoof commander and chief U S Army Major General Harold Greene was buried today at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, including a caisson, two escort platoons, casket team, firing party, colors team, and a caparisoned horse. The U.S. Army band, “Pershing’s Own,” played softly as the funeral procession made its way down the long hill past the rows of simple white gravestones to bring General Greene to his final resting place. The graveside service began with a few words, followed by a 13-gun salute. The major general’s widow, Dr. Susan Myers, was seated in the front row. To her right was their son 1st Lt. Matthew Greene, his daughter Amelia Greene, followed by Major General Greene’s father, also Harold Greene. After three rifle volleys and the playing of “Taps,” the American flag, once placed on the major general’s casket, was carefully folded as the band played “America the Beautiful.” U S Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno presented the flag to his widow, and additional flags to his children and father. General Greene, 55, became the highest-ranking fatality in the war in Afghanistan after an Afghan military police officer opened fire on August 5, 2014. Among the missing at the service were…… • No President • No Vice President • No Secretary of State • No Secretary of Defense In all fairness, President Barack Hussein Obama was unable to attend because of a conflict with his Tee Time….... However, three high ranking officials from the Obama Administration did attend the funeral for Michael Brown in Jefferson, Missouri. From the Prairies of the Dakotas: While a Military Daughter Buries Her 2-Star General Daddy, the Commander-in-Least is Nowhere to Be Found When two-star Major General Harold Greene, the highest-ranking officer killed in combat since Vietnam, was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday, neither the President nor the Vice President were present. The nominal Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama was playing a round at the Vineyard Golf Club with Valerie Jarrett’s cousin, Cyrus Walker, the World Bank president and former President of Dartmouth College Jim Kim, and former lobbyist and ambassador Ron Kirk. The clownish Joe Biden was in the middle of the third day of a week long vacation in the Hamptons, which followed a week in Wyoming, which was preceded by a week at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. While America has lost a two-star General who has served in a war the president has waged questionably, the Commander-in-Chief could not show the common decency to honor him with his presence. Instead, President Obama showed it was more important to play yet another round with well-connected elites, as the nation grieves and families suffer. The disconnect could not be more profound. We are in some serious trouble...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:14:34 +0000

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