Theres a plethora of political analysts at the moment, most of - TopicsExpress


Theres a plethora of political analysts at the moment, most of whom have never been paid to analyse anything to do with politics in their careers. So it comes as no surprise that they can get immersed in pointless interpretations of gestures, offers and balls in courts and as a result of the favoured Dhaka intellectual pastime of reducing everything to both parties are the same, ignore what is really happening. The AL has made not one, but several offers which obliterate whatever bar was set before in negotiations between the two main parties. The BNP has responded with lies and teamed up with Jamaat to kill policemen, destroy valuable transport infrastructure & burn innocent people alive. To expect the AL to reach out any further is to ignore all of this and absolve the BNP-JI of all responsibility for their acts of terror. Obtusely repeating whos responsible for all of this? doesnt change the answer; the people who carry out these acts, the people who plan these acts, and the people who finance theses acts. If it looks, smells and acts like a terrorist organisation, treat it like one. All offers should be withdrawn until this wave of destruction and murder is stopped and until BNP-JI repent for their crimes. The onus should be on them to prove their commitment to our countrys democracy.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:54:37 +0000

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