Theres no question in my mind that we are slowly evolving into a - TopicsExpress


Theres no question in my mind that we are slowly evolving into a police state. And I dont see it as a question of technology so much as the attitude of our ruling class. After all, it isnt the tools that do the work, but the hands that control them.While the NSA spying is troublesome, (particularly without our being in a declared state of war) the real problem lies in who the data collected is going to be controlled by, and the political use it will be put to. I think were already seeing that. We have a president and an administration with utter contempt for the Constitution, who feel no compunction at changing laws at will, using the IRS as their personal goon squad to go after perceived political enemies, using the Justice Department to suppress enemy votes in two separate election while encouraging voter fraud where it suits them and defying the will of Congress repeatedly. And theyve largely gotten away with it, something new in our history. Any president in the past guilty of these things would have been impeached long ago. This is the end result of the Gramschian warfare the Soviet Comintern unleashed against America in 1920. The Comintern and the Soviet Union may be history, but the corruption of our institutions and culture and the poisonous ideology that spawned is alive and well. I even see it in the attitudes the American people are developing. The majority of Americans no longer trust their government, but have become used to the idea of an entrenched Ruling Class manipulating the country for its own benefit and plundering it at will. Many of them see the police nowadays as simply enforcers for the Ruling class and its diktats, not protectors of the average person.They largely no longer trust the media, and with good reason.This is very different from how things were even in th recent past. These are all radical changes that have evolving slowly but have become much obvious and strongly implemented in the last 5 years. We still have many of the apparent trappings of freedom, but the walls are definitely closing in,and unless this process is reversed even those will gradually erode away. I can feel it.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 09:40:04 +0000

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