These High Energy Prices Are Part of Obama’s Plan by Lonely - TopicsExpress


These High Energy Prices Are Part of Obama’s Plan by Lonely Conservative • February 28, 2011 • 7 Comments Have you noticed it’s getting a lot more expensive to drive your car and heat your home? Do you think it’s just a coincidence, or due to the turmoil in the Middle East? That may have something to do with it, but remember, before he became President, Barack Obama stated in no uncertain terms that energy prices needed to skyrocket to force us into using alternative energy sources. He didn’t state at the time that his friends on the left would profit from the alternative energy he’s pushing, but we all know it’s true. The Washington Examiner‘s latest editorial details how the president’s policies are driving up the cost of energy. Included is the 2008 quote when he tipped his hand to his plans for us and the cost of energy. But not even “Landslide Lyndon” could make economic reality go away. Obama wants Americans to pay more for energy now both to make more expensive alternative energy sources acceptable and to help finance their development. But there are two fatal flaws in Obama’s strategy. First, the federal government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars since the Carter administration trying to encourage the development of alternative energy sources. And for just as long, the costs of energy produced from fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and coal, has declined, even as its production has become more efficient and environmentally friendly. It is no exaggeration to say that a barrel of oil can be produced today in the United States cheaper and with less effect on the environment than even the most optimistic industry experts thought possible just a generation ago. So, it is all but impossible for alternative energy developers to generate sufficient consumer demand to grow the industry. Like Carter and others before him, Obama is trying to force by government fiat what consumers simply aren’t willing or economically able to support. And don’t forget how he’s shut down drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The editorial goes on to note that before the moratorium, and the subsequent “permitorium,” a third of domestic oil and natural gas was produced in the Gulf. He’s purposely cutting off those resources and driving up the cost of energy. The administration is even in contempt of court over these policies. In a sane world you’d hear about this every night on the evening news. Unfortunately, we’re not living in a sane world right now.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:30:11 +0000

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