These are some excellent comments from some ning members. Its been - TopicsExpress


These are some excellent comments from some ning members. Its been so frustrating waiting for the Announcement and heres a look at how many of us feel. I know Im always contemplating the many different scenarios that are in play or waiting to be played. The Elite who run the world need to be quiet or theyll be made to be quiet soon enough. Patience is needed. Ning Comment: I think its fair to say that we all wish something like this could happen just to get the word out. At least I do. But this is my guess:- If Obama cant get the word out along with NASAs official statement/explanation on it, then the message/announcement will have left itself open to be misconstrued by the rest of the media. So lets say hes in a hall and initiates the announcement. The live feed is cut/lost, but there are people & reporters in the hall. There is no way he can stop once he started making the announcement. Now, there are two ways the word can get out-- Through the main stream media (monopolized by 6 companies) and through social media. The media owned by the elite will most certainly coverup. (If you go to youtube, you will see the extent to which problems in Ukraine were instigated by NATO, but you actively hear/read nothing but propaganda, from even the most reputable news sources. Or if we just look at the way Ron Paul was disrespected & derided by the media, simply because he was questioning over-militarization). This faucet of information is essentially controlled by the elite. Social media might spread the word. But what will that flow look like? People will ultimately be looking for the official word from (you guessed it) elite controlled media. Even dependable news sites will look to elite-controlled media to confirm this event. And the media will have a field day trying to color & distort Obamas announcement. Just look at the IRS non-scandal. They found out that the IRS agency had investigated conservative & liberal political groups equally, yet if you turn your t.v. on, all you hear is either IRS is targeting conservative political groups or silence. Why? Because the real scandal is that the elite dont want IRS investigating their political groups. So the elite media will naturally allow the news to focus on a fake scandal to fit the elites agenda. So now can social media unexpectedly crash after the announcement? If the media isnt corroborating the words of a few 100 ppl, will anyone believe them? The only other outlet for the real news to take shape is through alternative media on the internet. And the elite already attempted a test run of crashing some of them down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The elites no doubt have several backup plans for after the word gets out (whether announcement takes place or not). The irony of the COW war is that the few who are adamant that the announcement must not happen, are ruining things not only for you & me, but also for the rest of the elite. And they are dragging down the whole lot with them. Fear makes us all stupid I guess. (Anyways, this is how I reason it out when I also wish the word would just get out).
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:37:50 +0000

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