These four boys were part of Madisons hosting program here in the - TopicsExpress


These four boys were part of Madisons hosting program here in the states this summer. They are now back in their orphanage. Many of their friends who were hosted have already been chosen and will have a forever family. Those children will soon be leaving their orphanage forever. These four will remain. Some of them dont have a lot of time left. Once a child turns 14 in China, they are no longer eligible to be adopted- they age out of the system. Henry and Bradley are from the same orphanage. They have a $5,000 Bright Futures Agency grant with Madison Adoption Associates. Agency fees for their adoptions would be $1,500. Their orphanage will likely significantly reduce their orphanage donation as well, possibly even waive it if a family formally asks. Marshall and Jonah are from the same orphanage- a different one than the other two boys. Read below for some information about each individual child. These four are all great boys who need and deserve a forever family- they just need to be seen by the right family. Please share! Henry: 11.5 year old Henry was born with congenital deformity of both external ears and is post-operative for a sensitive special need. Henry studies well and goes to the regular school. He does have hearing, but it isnt clear how much. He can imitate all sounds, but in conversation, his speech is not always clear. According to Cincinnati Childrens Hospital , he will need some surgeries on his ear canals and maybe on his outer ears. He may need hearing aids. That would all be determined after a few tests to see if the structure of his inner ear are all there and intact. Henrys host family said: Henry is very pleasant and sweet all of the time! He hasnt seemed stressed at all during the hosting. He is friendly and outgoing. He likes to play games on the IPad and knows a lot of multiplication problems. He likes to sing and has really enjoyed taking long baths and playing after he swims. He isnt afraid to try new things. He learned to ride a bike yesterday! He also enjoys playing with Lego kits. Though Henry is very bright academically, he is delayed socially. An interested family should be prepared for him to act much younger socially than his chronological age. From his file: Henry is clever and fun! He is very friendly and outgoing. He loves being outdoors to play with the other children. Henry has good self-care ability and he is helpful to others. All of the caretakers like to spend time with him and they praise him as a bright and kind child. He is a charming child and a favorite at the orphanage. Video Link: https://vimeo/album/2603500 Password: Adoptmaa Henry is Huan on Reeces Rainbow: Bradley: 9 year old Bradley is diagnosed with mental development delays, though Madison staff believes he may have CP. He can walk independently- he just has an abnormal gait. The orphanage has said that he is very smart. Bradleys host family wanted to share as much as they could to help him find a forever family. This is what they had to say about him: Bradley is a great kid, very smart, and quite obedient. It is very unusual to find a child who has been institutionalized his whole life that has none of the typical issues associated with that kind of childhood. At nine years of age, he has no self-comforting issues, even cries when he is hurt. Bradley has easily picked up our routine and most of our expectations despite the language barrier. He is able to use the bathroom by himself and is very thorough in washing his hands. Bradley has a strong sense of right and wrong. He has no problem obeying the rules and even helps to remind others of what the rules are. He plays well with children his age and enjoys building and figuring out how things work. Bradley has also eaten everything that we have put before him; though, pizza is his favorite! Bradley is all boy and likes to wrestle, run, ride bikes, climb, play ball, and swim; he also likes to play with Legos and action figures. He is learning English; using simple phrases to communicate. Bradley is a very happy and eager to please. The only two physical things we see are gross and fine motor control and poor tongue control. However, chiropractic care and normal family life, with play, chores, school and worship, will naturally have him learning large and small motor control without special work. And learning to speak and articulate English will become an excellent therapy for him to gain new tongue control. From his file and the staff at the orphanage: Bradley is one of the stronger students in his class. He was formerly in Sunshine School at the orphanage where he learned his letters, cutting, pasting, matching, etc. He has some trouble paying attention. Bradley is active, warm, generous, and has a ready smile. He likes to help other children on his own initiative. He can boldly express his own thoughts and enthusiastically raise his hand up to speak. He has good independence under the encouragement and request of his teachers. He performs noticeably well in the puzzle games. He likes a challenge and is always willing to do and discover new things. In his spare time, he likes to play outside and on the playground. When he is happy he smiles at others. When he is unhappy, he is silent, but he can quickly get a smile back on his face. He is a good boy. Video Link: vimeo/78492924 Password: Adoptmaa Bradley also has an account on Reeces Rainbow here: Marshall: 12 year old Marshall only has 2 short years to find a forever family and for his forever family to be in China to adopt him. He is diagnosed as having post-operative dropsy of the brain, but you really need to read about him and watch his older videos below, because sometimes diagnoses in files sound a lot scarier than they really are. From a family that has spent time with him while hes been in the US: Marshall is a nice, polite boy. He would do so well in a family. From his file: Marshall has normal mental development. Because he suffers dropsy of the brain, we reported him to the Tomorrow Plan and according to the plan, on Aug.14 2006, he was treated. On Aug.25 2006, he received a ventriculoperitoneal shunt and on Sep.7 2006, he was discharged. He recovered well, then on Feb.26 2009 he received another surgery for the ventriculoperitoneal shunt and was released on Mar.13 2009. He speaks clearly and can communicate well with others and he is becoming more extroverted. He can take care of himself and he is cute and polite. He will help the younger brothers and sisters when they need help. Videos available here: vimeo/78659905 vimeo/78659904 Password: Adoptmaa Marshall has an account on Reeces Rainbow here: 6.5 year old Jonah is listed with Madison Adoption Associates via an orphanage partnership. Jonahs diagnosed with CP-hemiplegia. He was hosted here in the states for a month this summer. His host family had this to say about him: We really, really like him. There is really nothing to prepare a family for in regards to negatives about him. His file says he has CP, but it is only displayed in a little left side weakness. Otherwise he seems completely healthy. He is kind, sweet, and has a good sense of humor. He likes to swim, fish, and plays well with other children. If he has something to eat, he would often break it in half and share with my other children. Jonah is a favorite of the Madison staff too! Video Links from the orphanage: vimeo/96849516 vimeo/96849515 Password: Adoptmaa Jonah has an account on Reeces Rainbow here: For more information on any one of these boys or to review their file, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form, which can be found here: madisonadoption/docs/Prospective%20Adoptive%20Parents%20-%20WC%20Form.pdf
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:21:33 +0000

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