Things Africa say and what other countries are doing HETALIA for - TopicsExpress


Things Africa say and what other countries are doing HETALIA for hetalia day Africa: why est the sky so blue *stares at window* Why est America starring at my place with amazed eyes? he est weird at times........England raised a weird child *walks out in neighborhood * Why est Russia always spying ? well longs he dont creep around me *sits on couch next to Canada* Why does people dont recognize Canada ? How can people not realize him? Canada: A-Africa i can hear you im right here Africa: I no i talk to my self. *Watches TV in bedroom* why does China always say Aru what does that even mean? *At night sitting next to America watching ghost busters* Why does America think ghost are so scary that he hugs me thinking id protect him from the movie? *At day watching England drink tea* Why does England drink so much tea ? He loves tea so much why wont he marry it? England:W-what? Africa: You have raised a weird child *In Africas house sitting next to France as he touches her thigh Africa: Why does france always come to my place of course some of my people speaks his language but he doesnt always have to come here all the time France: Je veux ma chère Africa: no France:et peut-être avoir peu de plaisir Africa: nooooooooooooooooooooo i need America or Englands help bout now *walking around Spain with Hungary* Africa: Why does Hungary always carries a frying pan? *Walks around in Greece* Africa: Why does Greece and Turkey loves Japan ? Do they secretly love Japan wait why est Turkey looking at me ? *Walks around in Italy* Why eset Germany always so stricked i get that Italy can be a blow head but no need to yell all the time Why is Italy so care free all the time i wish i can feel that way he has a smile on his face all the time and saying pizza and mostly pasta hm~ his pasta est pretty good *Sits on chair* Why does Sweden say that Finland is his wife wait why i ask that? Finland dont fight it he is pretty cute *Sitting on Prussia chair watching him drink* Why does Prussia think he est awesome? Why does he drink so much beer?? Prussia: Because i am awesome and beer is awesome too !!!! *In Africa house sitting on couch* Why does countries be so far away at least i live 8 miles from the European country well goodnight *goes to bed*
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 23:05:53 +0000

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