Things that would make America more interested in - TopicsExpress


Things that would make America more interested in soccer... ...Americanize the names...for instance, Koreas SR Jung could be Sammy Junk... ...Its so hard to score, so force the goalies to hang on Facebook while holding their Ipads while in the nets... ...allow checking, elbowing and slashing...Americans seldom like people from other countries and they would enjoy this... ....allow only the Star Spangled Banner to be played before any game, no matter who is playing...Americans are used to this... ...have Bob Costas or Joe Buck broadcast every single game...Americans are used to this... ....take a break 3/4 of the way through the game to sing God Bless America for no apparent reason as they do during MLB games... ...pre-game video tributes to Americas great soccer players and teams from the past like, uhh...ummm...whats his name, uhhhh....hmmm ...have someone famous like Spike Lee sit in the front row and complain about fouls.... ...more stoppages of play! Americans need stoppages of play in their sports so they can get to the bathroom after drinking record totals of expensive beer at all sporting events.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 23:08:19 +0000

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