Think about it. The only reason you are a Christian or a Catholic - TopicsExpress


Think about it. The only reason you are a Christian or a Catholic today, is because these religions were forced on our ancestors, then they got passed down generation after generation. Some people try and defend their colonized religions by saying, Everyone has the right to believe in what they want, we should respect everyones religions. You cant say you chose to be a Christian or a Catholic If thats the only options you ever had. I mean common now, who are we kidding ? How many Mexicans know of any pre-1492 Nican Tlaca theology? How many of us Mexicans grow up with our parents teaching us of all the different religions or theologies of the world, so that we actually have options in how we view our creation? Lets keep it real. We grow up with crosses around our neck, being forced to attend church every Sunday. We grow up with images of the Virgin Mary and Jesus hanging in our homes. We never had another option. We never had a choice in viewing our creator, our universe, and our planet through the understanding of our Nican Tlaca ancestors. So its impractical to say that its your choice to be a Christian, or that we should respect those of our people who chose to be one. I mean, we werent Christians then when real Christians, (White people) were killing us, so why should we continue to practice a religion that is only five centuries old among our people, compared to the other 40,000 years of our history with out it? We werent Christians before the white mans arrival, we shouldnt be Christians today.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:02:13 +0000

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