Think about this. People have a problem understanding the - TopicsExpress


Think about this. People have a problem understanding the reasoning behind my posts, probably because I am focusing too heavily on breaking past the conditioning and the inconsistencies. I would like to simplify it all by giving you an example, and this example encompasses everything that we claim to be wrong but somehow accept based upon what entity it is being administered by. A man, woman, or family live, or desire to live off of their land that they have inherited or purchased. Everything they need or want is produced by their labor, according to their needs and wants. These people do NOT go anywhere or do anything outside of their property and before you accuse these people of being weird, crazy, or hermits, let’s just say they do have friends over and share adjacent properties with other individuals like themselves. Let’s call them the ‘Frontier family’. The Frontier Family is faced with a dilemma. They are not allowed to live their life as they choose even though they do not harm anyone or infringe on the life choices of others. So the question is, why? Logically, we can determine that there are outside forces that seek to take away their liberty to do so. In this thought process, I am no longer shocked that this problem occurs in a country that claims to be founded on “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, because it is now commonplace to disregard these principles even when they are regarded as “unalienable”. We have been taught that the government, which is touted as a republic, was created to protect these three things and if I supported them, they would support liberty. This has been proven not to be the case at all and it becomes more obvious as we begin to live our own lives, and try to make our own way in this country. The main reasons the Frontier Family cannot live such a life, are greed and fear. We are all born with a life, with liberty, and the freedom to choose, it can be “granted” by a god upon birth, or just a simple observation of natural condition. Is there anyone you know that has ever signed a contract or bill of sale, which states “You are now granted Life, Liberty, and Freedom from this day forward.”? The answer is no, and if they have, they were slaves to something else before, which doesn’t’ detract from my prior statement. If we agree that this is true, by Creator or by birth, we have no need to get bogged down in any other issue. So, if we agree on this, why can’t the Frontier Family live off their land and be left alone? Somebody or something, must be trying to take away or infringe on their Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness, which is not theirs, unless given by consent. Who is this somebody or something? Apart from the natural battles we face with nature, it can be an individual, group of individuals, or it can even be a collection of groups working to undermine the Life, Liberty, and Freedoms of these peaceful people. The next question of “Why?” these individuals or institutions desire to infringe upon what is not theirs is answered with greed and fear. We move on to the question of “How?” The only way you could infringe or take someone’s Life, Liberty, or Freedom to live peacefully, without their consent, is by the use of force. When this concept of “forcing” my beliefs on another individual clicked in my head, a light bulb went off and I started to look at everything in a new perspective. Back to the Frontier Family wanting to live off the land without the need for any “outside” contact. How is their liberty to do so being attacked or manipulated? Property taxes imposed by the State are the first that comes to mind. It is, essentially, a lease contract which the Frontier Family never agreed to or signed and is forced upon them. What makes it even worse, you are also forced to pay with State issued currency. Even though it SHOULD be considered immoral to force someone to labor for services that are forced upon them and they do not consent or benefit from, I will continue down this path. The frontier family might be able to, by force, pay this tribute by the goods produced from their land, however, they are not allowed to…Why? It must be State issued currency. Think about it, if you require payment by State issued currency, you must labor enough to produce for yourself and THEN have enough to find another individual plug into the State’s system to exchange for the currency. The force doesn’t stop there, in order to sell your “goods” you must have a State approved license to be your own company…more taxes and regulations will follow if you choose to do this. By this forced “Property Tax” that everyone sees now as “that’s just the way it is”, the State has forced you to perform extra labor beyond sustaining yourself, forced you to pay for something that you did not consent to, forced you to pay to the benefit of the ruling class, forced you to engage in the State’s economy by compelling us to exchange our goods or labor for the State currency, AND has coerced us to perpetuate a system of FORCE, against your consent. Do the benefits of the State stop there? Nope, now that you have been forced to play in the State’s system, we now have their “Sale’s tax”, “Income tax” and along with many more taxes, we now must labor even more for the State. If your land cannot provide enough goods to exchange for State currency and your own needs, because of the “market” or “taxes”…you will either use up all the resources on your land paying tribute to the State, OR you will be forced to enter into the labor force that compensates labor with State issued currency only. You have now been successfully forced to participate in a State sanctioned system, you will pay more taxes because you will have less time to labor for yourself on your land, and will be forced to buy goods from retailers who only accept…State currency, the cycle feeds itself and the State’s control grows. The State has also created a Department of Natural Resources, that can create rules/regulation for acquiring food on YOUR land, by the claimed authority of the State they can invade your property to investigate without consent, arrest you if you have not paid for certain licenses issued by the State (paid for with only State currency) to hunt or fish on your property and the State is actually implying that the natural resources on your property are State property. The Department of Natural Resources is another way the State has provided ITSELF a way to use force to infringe on the frontier family’s Life, Liberty, and Freedom. The Frontier family is not allowed to produce goods for trading and bartering among their neighbors unless they want to be punished for doing so. If you are attempting to trade and barter, you must get a license and equate the exchange’s value into State currency to claim as “income” to be taxed. You are not allowed to exchange goods without the State’s approval and regulations, unless you want to be punished. There are many more examples I could give you on how the State attacks the peaceful Frontier Family’s Life, Liberty, and Freedom. I know there are some who will claim that the State protects “us” from those “malicious” Frontier Families, but the fact remains, we either HAVE liberty and freedom or we don’t. In the question of “Who is the State?” The State is the institution manifested by individual’s greed and fear. The State is comprised of greedy individuals or groups of individuals who seek power over people for many reasons. The State is comprised of greedy individuals or companies that seek to use its immoral existence to acquire “wealth”, power to manipulate for monetary advantage, or use the State’s power to force more individuals into a certain “market”. The State also includes individuals who have CONSENTED to relinquish their Liberty, Freedom, and authority to the State, out of fear, to FORCE individuals who do NOT consent to conform to their beliefs. These individuals, somehow rationalize the immoral use of force by the State as a “necessary evil” for individuals to morally interact with each other. The fears that these State supporting individuals or groups desire to protect themselves from are actually acted out, by their consent, towards their neighbors and friends on a daily basis. These same individuals or groups do not see that the State’s authority that they perpetuate is destroying the validity of their moral claims with every immoral action it takes. It is not just the proponents of the State that contradict their morality, it is also those who quietly submit, perpetuate, and turn a blind eye to the actions of the State. When you stand back, look at the actions of the State, we must ask ourselves why we allow this to continue. The State steals, coerces, extorts, kidnaps, puts people in cages for “crimes” that have no victims, and creates more and more ways so it may continue these immoral actions for our “security”? Think about the Frontier Family and the reasons why they cannot live peacefully on their property without having to leave. They are forced by the State to choose between the two: 1. They can try to ignore the State’s taxes, laws, and regulation. The State will eventually come to steal the property by force, with guns. If the Family resists the State’s attempt to steal their property, tries to protect it with their lives…they will be killed by the State. 2.They succumb to the State’s immoral actions against them and are coerced into living a lifestyle they did not want and have to engage into a system they did not want to be a part of. Life or death? Liberty or slavery? Pursuit of Happiness or pursue what we say you can? If we live in a country where the Frontier Family cannot live such a life without fear of the State, there is something being established and it is definitely NOT Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:07:36 +0000

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