Thirty years ago. Not 10 years ago. Not 20 years ago. But 30 - TopicsExpress


Thirty years ago. Not 10 years ago. Not 20 years ago. But 30 years ago, Paula Dean, whoever she is, uttered a bad word. You people who are down on her for something she did 30 years ago, here’s a question for you: Are you a #$%^&*^% idiot? Do you want people to never change? Do you want people to not improve their attitude? I cannot $%$#@#^Y believe how @$#%^&& stupid you are. What were you doing THIRTY YEARS AGO? Some of you were #$%^&&#% in your diapers. Eddie Murphy was doing “Images by Tyrone Green” less than 30 years ago. More like 25, I think. Just think about what you’re doing by firing her, undoing all her accomplishments, taking her future away, all because she’s what—not a racist anymore? I almost want to just give up on you. If you want to fire Paula Dean, whoever she is, fire her because she gave illegal guns to Mexican drug lords and lied to congress about it. Fire her because she allowed Ambassador Chris Steven and 3 other Americans to be killed in a terror attack that she knew was coming but didn’t act because she was trying to win re-election and didn’t want anyone to realize we still had enemies. Fire her because she used the power of her office and the threat of law to intimidate her opponents, silence her critics and threaten anyone who has the goods on her. Fire her because she lied about how Paula-Dean-Care was gonna bring down costs when her plan the whole time was to make people beg for national healthcare. Fire her because she pretends to not know what any of her employees are doing in her name while they lie, cheat, steal and abuse American citizens. Fire her because she’s pretending that Ed Snowden divulged secrets that help the terrorist when the real secret is that there’s no such thing as Muslim terrorist, only Pro-life terrorists, Tea Party terrorists, and ex-military terrorists. And besides, Paula Dean herself told more secrets when she was boasting about how she killed Osama Bin Laden by flying low under the radar in a black hawk helicopter and snuck in and killed everyone in their pajamas.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 03:24:07 +0000

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