This Plexus testimony is so incredible! Food addiction, Diet Dr. - TopicsExpress


This Plexus testimony is so incredible! Food addiction, Diet Dr. Pepper addict, dependent on Tylenol PM, severe and chronic sinus infections...can you relate? Suzanne Shirley: MY STORY I lost 100lbs. from 2005-2006 by changing my lifestyle, doing a very rigid, structured modified liquid diet, and by working out. People look at me now and think I have completely overcome all my old habits, conquered my demons, and have no issues with food. True...I have new eating habits. I even developed a complete love for functional training and weightlifting (which was a MIRACLE). Why on earth would I be interested in sharing Plexus products?? Willpower? Ive got it. Determination? Ive got that too. A desperation to keep the weight off? Absolutely!! I MUST keep the weight off. I had a heart attack at the age of 35 right after I had begun maintenance. Thats another story all on its own!! What people dont see or realize is that ever since I lost the weight I still fight every single food demon I had prior to losing the weight. Those demons did NOT magically disappear. What are they? Overeating, binge eating, then guilt as a result, punishing myself mentally, every time I look in the mirror, trying to make up for it at the gym (all the while knowing that it would never solve the problem...a vicious cycle), sweets and chocolate daily, (the stuff literally has a voice!), carbs, cravings, emotional eating, you name it. It has been VERY difficult keeping this weight off. It fluctuates. I have 10-15lbs. that I cannot seem to keep off even after I lose it. I have lost that 10-15 pounds at least nine times since I originally lost my weight. No matter what I do, that extra weight keeps coming back. My whole life I would drink diet Dr. Pepper and lie to myself saying that at least I could drink it because it contained no that meant I could eat my daily handful of M&Ms fully justified. I kept telling myself I preferred to eat my sugar rather than drink it. I could never kick that addiction. I would physically deny myself these treats and the weight would eventually come off again after massive deprivation and hard workouts but the demons NEVER went away. In fact, they were worse than ever before! Enter PLEXUS. I started with just the Plexus Slim pink drink and within a day I began to notice a difference in my cravings...they were less. Then in the following days they reduced even more. I threw out every last aspartame sweetened drink and decided I was through with them believing that Plexus would help me get free of them!!! Thank God for Plexus!! Here are my current victories: --no diet sodas or crystal lite (miracle!) --sugar/carb cravings gone! --huge energy boost kicked in after 6 days! --my mood was elevated like a weight had been lifted that I had been dragging around with much so that I realized I have been depressed a bit for the last few years --no headaches...huge!! Tylenol PM!!! I needed up to 4 pills to sleep before Plexus!! --huge cravings for H2O!!! Its all I want now! --no sinus infections and allergies are GREATLY improved with Plexus even though I had sinus surgery to solve the problem!!! --afternoon tired...GONE!! (close to falling asleep at a red light or at my desk after school grading papers)...GONE, GONE, GONE!!!!!! Huge miracle!!! --my clothes are getting a bit looser too!!! If youve read this far, you would enjoy her video testimony posted in comments.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:21:33 +0000

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