This applies to everyone in the UK not only Scotland THE - TopicsExpress


This applies to everyone in the UK not only Scotland THE TRUTH ABOUT THE BRITISH ECONOMY AND THE DEATH OF THOUSANDS OF SCOTS. DECEMBER 8, 2014 / TOM STEELE / 5 COMMENTS Democide is not a word you hear bandied about too often, especially in the mainstream media, and for those not in the know, Democide means death by government. What has this got to do with the British economy? I hear you ask dear readers, let me explain. For many years now I have been an ardent studier of the world and British economy and what I have discovered, is so terrifying it boggles the mind and numbs the senses. Both the mainstream media and the Westminster government – Labour and Tory – have colluded to hide the horrific truth from the general public not just in Scotland but all over the UK. It all started in 1980’s when the wicked witch of Westminster, the evil Tory Maggie Thatcher deregulated the financial markets followed by the crooked President Bill Clinton repealing the Glass Steagall Act, put in place in 1933 after the great depression to prevent the wholesale fraud and theft of bank deposits of ordinary savers and investors and to prevent the bankers operating like a casino with other people money. To cut a long story short, these actions led to the collapse of 2008 were we, the taxpayers, were conned into believing we had to bail out the crooked banksters, a duplicitous act committed by none other than the despicable duo of Gordon – I saved the World – Brown and the treacherous Alistair Darling, who very conveniently have fled the scene of the crime, but not before they ripped the guts out of their own country by tricking the people of Scotland into voting for a corrupt and rotten to the core Westminster plutocracy. Now we have the cocaine addicted chancellor George Osborne and the gutless and spineless David Cameron trying to pull the biggest economic con trick in British history by getting the telly addicted and distracted public into believing that the UK economy is the fastest growing and most stable in the world, whilst their austerity measures are responsible for what can only be described as murder by government policies, Democide! You see friends, the truth is the economic collapse of 2008 was not the end of the problem, but the beginning of what can only be called the financial Armageddon the likes of which has never been seen in human history and which is a mathematically certainty and cannot be avoided. It is no accident that they do not teach our children economics or the fact that the privately owned banks print trillions of pounds out of fresh air! Every financial market in the world is rigged, like LIBOR, the gold and silver markets, bonds and gilts, and they use a tool called High Frequency Trading to rig the stock markets to mention just a few of their criminal activities, and is controlled through not Wall St as many believe, but by the corrupt and unregulated City of London. The crooked banksters have committed everything from fraud and theft to laundering billions of pounds in drug money as HSBC was caught red handed committing and you guessed it, no one went to jail for any of these horrendous crimes against humanity. Who Benefits? Here is a clue…we are now witnessing the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in world history to the point that the richest 85 people in the world have more wealth than 3.5 BILLION poorest people COMBINED! But the ticking financial nuclear bomb that will cause the death of millions of people around the world and tens of thousands in Scotland is the never spoken about Derivatives market, a market so complex that the crooked banksters do not understand it themselves, but to put it in layman’s terms, is the world’s largest financial casino with QUADRILLIONS of pounds of bets, all of which are hanging by a shoogly nail, and when it blows, and it surely will…its game over. Scotland will not be able to escape this crushing blow that will see many of our fellow citizens and children die of starvation or commit suicide rather than face the bleak future ahead of them. Scotland’s only hope is to claim our independence and try and rebuild our society from the ashes as a resource and energy rich nation. We can only do this as a small agile country able to act and respond quickly to the circumstances, something we cannot do being attached to the failing and lumbering Westminster school of rich crooks and psychopaths. Many of you will be reading this believing it can never happen and that I am completely exaggerating the situation, or you may go into complete denial, but trust me friends I kid you not, but if you do not believe what I have written, do a little of your own research, and sadly, you will find every word is true. So you see my fellow citizens, the time for Scotland to be independent is now, before the crooked millionaires of Westminster completely destroys not just Scotland, but the whole of the UK, because that is the nature of psychopaths. atrueindependentscotland/news-and-politics/truth-british-economy-death-thousands-scots/
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:10:00 +0000

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