This bundle of LOVE just showed to the side of Moms - TopicsExpress


This bundle of LOVE just showed to the side of Moms place..went from feeding her KNOWING she picked us.. I took my mom to see Jacks tombstone and I got out of car..kissed my hand to his resting place and said..Im doing this but I KNOW..YOU KNOW..YOU ARE IN THE SPIRIT..IN THE FAB FELINE who cannot leave Mommy/Us..your love of water..she only shows up on lake side ..So I know You are licing with us...There is no sadness you passed before your move here..So see you later Jacky! That night I was gardening a bit helping a neighbor and from my Bayberry bush appeared guessed it! My home does not align with my Moms in any way and the front of it is completely away from amywhere she had been for couple months. That was the day I told Jack ..see you when we get home! No food trace of me was evident..but the shock was unbelievably believable. Slinky is her name..she was spayed and Moms was to have her messy smell..The OCD tendencies to make absolute decisions that isolate you from the world.. I thank you Mom! I do! Needless to say.. The rest is not is our first chapter in the Discovery of the amount of Love that parlays expedentially ..deepens our souls..and connects us to the connection of Truth on Love and Belief..Opening ourselves to ALL MIRACLES AND BLESSINGS..MOST OF ALL AWARENESS THAT WE HAVE NOW..CHOICE TO DO WHATEVER RIGHT THIS SECOND...THE COMMODITY OF TIME..UNKNOWN OUR AMOUNT..THESE ARE ALL WE ARE BORN WITH..MOST OF ALL..THE ABILITY TO LOVE..AS WE ARE LOVE AT OUR CORE AND ALL WE DO..REGARDLESS HOW INSIGNIFICANT YOU PERCEIVE..IF LOVE IS THE INTENTION..the recipient of this is well as You.. So as I think back on the many other signs Slinky has brought to remind the Power of Love transcending what we cannot see..quite primal gravity..air..LOVE are not they cease to be valid? It is with my Love..In-Spirit-ation that I share with no expecration..knowing Im altering ..enhancing my journey of Spirit having a Human Experience. Only love is rwal therefore ..the thought of a for the EGOs survival. Thank You Mom for ALWAYS taking in wvery and any wounded..impaired creature of God..that speaks more than my EGO bluffed me into thinking I had to receive your love and compassion in publics idea..Too many years destroyed ...Expect nothing..Give All..KNOW you are LOVED with an unending LIGHT OF LOVE that is connecting us waves in the ocean..spokes on a wheel..they seem separate..yet..they have their ONE SOURCE.. So heres to have this new chapter that has already been a catalyst for new thought..beyond what some would see as a stray cat... I Think therefore I Am I Am therfore I Think
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:48:39 +0000

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